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Interesting report, I hadn’t seen that before. I’m not sure what use it is other than a pat on the back, but maybe validates that a seller is doing well. I looked at a few of them, I’m in the top 10% of all the categories shown and in the top 5% on about a third of them. Sales are down though.
I’ve shipped thousands of eBay orders over the past 12 years and don’t recall a time I’ve ever needed this information.
04/28/2021 at 12:53 pm in reply to: ebay’s “Standard Envelope” Now Available for Postcards & More #88037I wonder why this is category restricted at all.
Hello Rusty,
I think you have found, or will find, eBay is quite a bit different now.
Well, an incentive to keep the tub clean for sure.
I think there is a moral issue and perhaps a legal issue in a situation like this. There are unclaimed property laws in most or all states, I have no idea if the law in your state would require submitting the payment funds to the state. Personal opinion, I think a basic attempt to return the funds should be made, such a mailing a letter to the address you have for the buyer, asking them to contact you within xx days. Then, if it were me, if I didn’t hear anything back I would donate the property to a non-profit thrift store if there is any resale value. My 2¢
04/05/2021 at 11:22 am in reply to: Why I always check a buyers left feedback in certain situations #87244I only check feedback if the buyer has made an offer that is borderline for me accepting, if they seem to be trouble-free I am more likely to accept.
04/05/2021 at 11:19 am in reply to: Buyer wants refund for item USPS tracking says was delivered #87242I look at things like this as what would I think if I was on the buyer’s end of the situation. He/she is unlikely to be trying to scam me for $14. My choices at this point, if it were me, include:
1) Ignore/block the buyer and move on. Of course, they could still file a claim with their credit card company if that is how they paid for the order.
2) Refund the order and move on.
3) Offer additional help and advice. For instance, I have called the receiving post office in an INR situation. If the post office is helpful, I might find that this person has claims all the time, or is in a high crime neighborhood, etc. Or, I might find the solution is something easy, the package was miss-delivered at cluster box with the same GPS coordinates, etc. It amazes me what carriers remember about deliveries and they might remember and can attempt to recover the package. In any case, I have gone about and beyond and won’t feel bad about telling the buyer that and moving on. I have also at times Googled the street address, if it is included in the street level maps, I can consider the neighborhood, condition of the house, etc. for making my decision on who this buyer is.
4) Tell the buyer I will open a stolen mail case with the USPS Postal Inspector’s division, and advise them they will be contacted by an Inspector as part of the investigation. If they are scamming it’s likely they will suddenly find the package then.
Overall, I just won’t spend much time and energy on a low-priced item (that’s not criticism, just me).
03/04/2021 at 9:30 am in reply to: UPDATE to Seller Update: eBay Now Waiving Early Termination Fees for US Stores #86429This could be another case of eBay mimicking Amazon. On the Amazon professional plan, there is no listing fee but a $39.99 monthly fee, on their individual plan the monthly cost is .99 per item. The new eBay listing fees will likely attract larger sellers, in which case increased FVF revenue could outweigh lower listing fees.
If you put the tracking number into the USPS tracking page does it also show invalid there?
There are 2 different acceptance scan types when using the SCAN form. The first one, when the sheet is scanned, the tracking reads: “Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending”. If I recall correctly eBay does not accept that as proof of the mailing date for on-time shipping. When the package is scanned, the tracking reads: “Accepted at USPS Origin Facility” If the physical package is not scanned at the time it is picked up or dropped off, I see the 2nd scan type showing as done when the package leaves my post office.
I previously posted about the thinner and slightly smaller size. I have 1 product that would barely fit before and now won’t, but I found a workaround. I slightly flatten the package corners and edges with a sharp rap against the packing table, then I use a heat gun to heat both the interior and exterior of the padded envelope and it will fit snuggly over the package. It’s a simple task after doing it a few times and takes maybe 30 seconds. This is saving me about $15-20 per week, good wages for the small amount of time it takes. I don’t know if a hairdryer would work, but I already had the heat gun to shrink-wrap small loose parts.
Do you know the butter knife trick for getting coins out of a bank with no opening for that?
I’ve had a “hung” offer for probably close to a year now, even though I have contacted support about this multiple times. I just ignore it.
I would never leave negative feedback from the same account I sell on, I don’t want prospective buyers to see it. But, putting that aside, it’s not my place to discipline the rouge seller either, feedback is for the quality of the item purchased and the service provided.