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- This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by
02/05/2018 at 12:53 pm #32158
I was just recently hit by 4 late shipment in my metrics. Now, these late shipment rates really do not impact me at all, but I am concerned as to why they are happening as we are doing everything right and as we usually have done (we are usually at 0%). I have sold on eBay for many years now and we do ship quite a high amount of volume so our Top Rated Plus is not threatened at all, but I certainly do not want to have these late shipments when they are not. We do have a same-day handling and the orders in questions were scanned according to the same-day handling time. These are the facts:
Order 1) Payment cleared January 27th (Saturday), First Scan Date 1/29/18, Max Estimated Delivery 2/2/18, Delivery Scan 2/3/18
Order 2) Payment cleared January 26th (Friday after our Cut-off time of 2:00pm), First Scan Date 1/26/18, Max Estimated Delivery 2/2/18, Delivery Scan 2/3/18
Order 3) Payment cleared January 22th, First Scan Date 1/22/18, Max Estimated Delivery 1/30/18, Delivery Scan 1/31/18
Order 4) Payment cleared January 20th (Saturday), First Scan Date 1/22/18, Max Estimated Delivery 1/27/18, Delivery Scan 1/30/18
I did speak to an Anchor rep and he was the most rude, unhelpful reps I have encountered. Would not even let me finish a sentence. The rep basically said that these cannot be removed because even though they were scanned on time, they were not delivered according to the max estimated delivery date. According to the rep, eBay hardly ever makes mistakes on these metrics. We were under the impression that as long as we scan the packages according to our handling time, we should not be penalized on this metric. Am I missing something? Thank you!
02/05/2018 at 1:02 pm #32159
These are good questions. Other sellers have mentioned being dinged for late shipping for the same reason. You’re shipping on time and uploading tracking, but the item still gets delivered “late” according to eBay’s calculator.
One seller said her buyers were being asked is the item was late, and they click “yes”. So the issue seems to be that eBay has an overly optimistic shipping date calculator.
Are you using Guaranteed Shipping?
Supposedly if you choose “Handling Time Option”, then eBay will protect you as long as you ship within your handling time.I’m not sure if this is in parallel or overrides the Top Rated Seller shipping requirements. You’d hope they were in sync.
02/05/2018 at 1:05 pm #32160
Hi Joe – just had the same thing happen to me…see my post under late shipping seller performance.
02/05/2018 at 1:12 pm #32163
Jay, we are under the Guaranteed Delivery program – actually, we have noticed these late shipments come in when we opted into the program. I mentioned this to the rep but he was not having any of it, basically said the late shipment rate had absolutely nothing to do with the Guaranteed delivery program. We are under the Handling time option and have a cutoff time of 2:00 pm mountain time, Monday through Friday. Rep said there was nothing he could do and only call back when my account was in jeopardy. BTW, this is the second time I call anchor support as we recently upgraded and have never come across such a rude rep.
northernpinesgallery – I’ll read your post, thanks for the heads up.
02/05/2018 at 11:40 pm #32238
I also recently had a number of mysterious late shipments appear in my metrics. I offer 2 working day shipping, and these were shipped within my parameters, but obviously delivered late by the post office. I just sent them a list of the item numbers via e-mail and they took care of it right away. I have pretty much given up on calling ebay anchor support in favor of e-mailing them at rswebhelp@ebay.com and cc’ing powersellersinfo@ebay.com and facebook@ebay.com. I would usually get my issues taken care by calling them, but e-mailing them seems to be a lot more efficient.
02/06/2018 at 8:08 am #32244
On email, how does eBay verify you are who you say you are? I’m surprised they would delve into your account just through an unsecure email.
02/06/2018 at 8:35 am #32251
I have no idea. Possibly because I am supplying information that only somebody with access to my ebay account might have? It might be the e-mail address too, I recall one time I tried to contact anchor support via the e-mail address associated with my primary ANCHOR store about an issue in my secondary non-anchor store and they directed me to call the problem in.
02/06/2018 at 1:27 pm #32302
Thanks for the heads up on this. We have only three “late” shipments, all due to the delivery being outside of eBay’s estimate. All were handled on our side within the guidelines.
I will contact eBay later and ask what these “late” shipments mean when we did our side. My guess will be that they will say that we are well within the guidelines (3 of 848 for a 0.35% rate, and the metric is 3%), but I figure it is worth the ask…
02/06/2018 at 2:44 pm #32322
I spoke with another eBay rep yesterday and had a better experience. He did not know why those appeared but he apologized and submitted the request for removal. The only issue now is that more have appeared today some from December. I’m thinking to wait a week and submit another request next week.
02/06/2018 at 8:24 pm #32356
Seems like Ebay fixed the issue as everything on my late shipment rate went to 0%.
02/07/2018 at 8:07 am #32378
We are similar. Of the three dings, one was legit (we held the item for a day to answer a question from the buyer), and they removed the other two. Must have been a bug that they fixed.
02/07/2018 at 10:42 am #32411
As a follow-up, I’m listening to eBay Radio Podcast today, and Griff mentioned that they realize that there is a bug in the metrics, and they are fixing it. It is the bug we were just discussing.
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