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- This topic has 95 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
09/19/2019 at 7:13 am #67947
The reselling world is in an uproar over this video:
09/19/2019 at 7:21 am #67948
TLDW: Supposedly eBay will be doing Promoted Listings in a different way soon. Ad Blockers will hide these promoted listings. Your items wont be seen by everyone who blocks ads on their browsers.
Very few actual details here. Right now, Promoted listings are just listings inserted into the eBay search.
–How will new Promoted Listings be shown to people where they can be blocked by my Ad Blocker? -How did this guy get to test out the new Promoted Listings service?
–Where can we go test them out? -
09/19/2019 at 7:23 am #67949
Yup, lots of questions that need answers. I’m wary about ending my PL because my sales have been great.
09/19/2019 at 7:30 am #67950
He didn’t explain in his video where he got this info. Any idea?
I hate to always be the one to say “wheres the evidence”, but it’s just another example of people getting worked up over something without any evidence that what he’s saying is true.
And if true, I would hope that eBay would be smart enough to change their promoted strategy before they implemented it.
09/19/2019 at 7:35 am #67951
Yup, I’m not the type to be a lemming, but everyone is talking about this. I’m sure there is a grain of truth somewhere, but not sure where it is just yet.
09/19/2019 at 9:04 am #67952
Interesting. I wish he would have shared some screenshots or something of what he is talking about.
I did check my metrics for promoted listings. There is a definite drop in impressions and clicks in September – about 30% compared with June-August. I just added like 100 listings to promoted listings and didn’t get much of a bump.
09/19/2019 at 9:19 am #67954
There have been ways to block sponsored listings in some ad blockers for a while now. You can openly find filters for uBlock Origin that will remove promoted listings from search. eBay clearly knows this is happening and has been changing the way promoted listings are shown to show off these ad blockers, but it doesn’t take long for them to update and block them again. Mine was blocking them a while back without me adding in any special filters.
Inevitable TBH. I didn’t realize how bad the backlash was over PLs, but doing some searches for “adblock ebay promoted listings” brought up posts from people calling PLs spam. I tend to agree, although I still use them for listings with a lot of competition.
09/19/2019 at 9:20 am #67955
I did a quick non scenfitic google search with the query “How many brokers have ad blocks installed” – the quick answer was 11% not 50%.
09/19/2019 at 9:23 am #67956
I’m skeptical. I don’t know this person or his reputation.
I did a basic search for information on how many internet users have an ad blocker enabled. The results I found ranged from 26% to 30%, he says 50% multiple times. That still could be bad if Promoted listings are blocked. I use an ad-blocker, “AdBlock”, one of the most popular and high rated blockers. I searched eBay for a common word, “iPhone”, both with AdBlock enabled and disabled, clearing the browser cache before each test. 84,723 results with, 84,720 without.
I suspect the sky is not really falling and there is no wolf.
09/19/2019 at 9:45 am #67957
The number of results wouldn’t change. Ad blockers work “locally”, as in, eBay serves you the results, then your ad blocker filters through those results and strips out ones that are sponsored.
09/19/2019 at 10:00 am #67958
Oh god, not that guy. He posts the most click-baity videos all.of.the.time. He also posts a lot of speculative information that doesn’t come to pass. I wouldn’t take what he says as “100% going to happen” at all. He is just trying to get views to promote his videos.
09/19/2019 at 10:24 am #67959
I just looked at listings on Ebay and I’m still seeing promoted listings. My ad blocker (abp, ad blocker plus) runs constantly. I honestly wish it would block promoted listings because it takes me longer to do research on items, but alas, they’re still there.
Scrolling through the comments on his youtube video, people are taking what he says as verbatim and changing the way they run their ebay businesses. Some are calling for class-action lawsuits. That is problematic considering he has no verifiable proof to back his claims.
09/19/2019 at 12:40 pm #67973
I feel there are eBay sellers who are not doing well who latch onto any talk about eBay being “bad”. Gives them a reason to explain why their business is a failure.
I’m all for calling eBay out on their mistakes, but good to get the facts correct.
09/19/2019 at 12:45 pm #67976
Jay, the thing about Don is, that’s his usual take on things….that if your ebay sales aren’t good, you need to look in the mirror, not blame ebay. I just think in this case he may be rushing to judgment because he thinks he’s got a real “scoop” here…he’s not advising people to give up on ebay, he’s advising them to not use PLs until ebay “fixes” this. Since I’m not really sure there’s much of a problem for ebay to fix, I’m not sure just when that will be.
09/19/2019 at 2:52 pm #67981
Correct me if Im wrong: There’s no downside to using Promoted Listings. If items aren’t purchased, there’s no fee. Your items still show up in search as normal listings.
You only pay a PL fee if the item is purchased, right?
Even if its true, what’s the big deal if Ad Blocker is stripping out PLs for now until eBay fixes it.
09/19/2019 at 10:52 am #67960
I’m sorry to see this. When he started, he had some good videos, but I haven’t been watching lately because so much of his stuff has become click baity as almasty says. One thing for sure, he’s going to get a LOT of publicity from this one. As far as his premise goes, I don’t know—I have AdBlocker Plus set up and it blocks ads on ebay but does not and has never blocked the promoted listings. Maybe he’s right, maybe it will start doing that at some point, or maybe other ad blocking software does it, but I’m not seeing any evidence of that.
I think maybe he’s confused about how PL works…many people are confused about it.
09/19/2019 at 11:02 am #67961
All I know is that eBay is in the business of making money. They can’t make money without our stuff selling. If there was a legit issue, eBay would be on top of it or their revenue would fall.
09/19/2019 at 11:09 am #67962
I’m inclined to see this as Chicken Little time.
1. Let’s assume at least some ad blocker programs are preventing people from seeing PLs. Does that mean those people will never see a listing that you have promoted? He basically says “yes, that’s what it means.” Well, NO, that’s not what it means. ebay decides whether o show your listing as a PL or as organic. It is a complete myth to say that , with the recently announced change (ebay will show one or the other, but not both in the same search result page), ebay will ONLY show your PL. ebay will show one or the other, so at least some of the time, ebay will choose to show your organic listing, not the PL.
2. He goes off on a tangent about a buyer seeing your PL and then buying it wihin 30 days…you get charged the PL fee. True. But he says that if the ad blocker has blocked your listing since then, you shouldn’t be charged, because your item hasn’t been seen He says that’s a scam. Again, No. That’s the way it works. You get charged if the buyer has bought the item after seeing it as a PL within the last 30 days. That’s what you are paying for. You aren’t paying for any certain amount of visibility. You ONLY pay if the buyer’s purchase is traced to the PL.
3. As several people noted, he doesn’t provide any screen shots, etc. He says I’ve seen with my own eyes. Well, OK, my eyes have seen PLS despite ABP. So, if ABP isn’t blocking them, which software IS? Provide details and proof before telling people to drop PLs…especially if PLs have been generating sales for people, that is just folly.
09/19/2019 at 11:16 am #67963
I don’t know exactly how ad blocking technology works, but I’ve always assumed it works by preventing third party info from displaying on the website page. Since eBay is the one displaying this, not a third party, I’m not sure Ad Blocking would actually work to prevent ebay’s own stuff from showing up.
09/19/2019 at 12:43 pm #67975
Im also confused how Ad Blockers are supposed to remove Promoted Listings. Usually its just blocking javascript or links from specific websites.
PL are just eBay listings that are inserted into regular searches, right? Is eBay changing how PL’s are shown? How would an Ad Blocker know a PL from a regular listings.
09/19/2019 at 12:49 pm #67977
Jay, I think by law ebay is required to identify PLs as “sponsored Listings” , so a PL will have that phrase shown. I suppose an Ad Blocker could look for that phrase and block anything that says “Sponsored Listing”
09/19/2019 at 2:58 pm #67982
Ad blockers work by using some kind of “fuzzy matching.” Essentially you’re telling the ad blocker to look for specific tags in the HTML. Since promoted listings have text that says “Sponsored”, then somewhere in the page’s code there has to be a specific tag where that is the value. For example, here’s what a typical filter looks like:
If this filter were widely accepted by ad blockers, Twitter would eventually see the drop in engagement and then rename “promo_website” to something different, at which point ads would show up and the filter would need updated.
This is the case for promoted listings, which now show up 100% of the time compared to a week or two ago when my ad blocker caught them.
09/19/2019 at 11:27 am #67965
On the upside, if everyone jumps from PL then those of us who stay will have more sales. 🙂
09/19/2019 at 12:41 pm #67974
Exactly. I feel we always benefit when other sellers get made and get off the site.
09/19/2019 at 11:28 am #67966
He mentions that examples have been posted to his FB group. I’m a member there, and a quick look shows one example—using something called AdGuard. Does anyone here use AdGuard? To try and verify this?
09/19/2019 at 11:33 am #67967
Atomic Star—LOL! Good point!
09/19/2019 at 11:53 am #67968
While he can be a little annoying at times, I do regularly watch his videos and live stream. He runs a very large and successful business, though primarily in categories I don’t know much about. Lots of antique paper (postcards, ads, etc) and the like. His advice is often very good.
This though seems a little bit jumping the gun. I use the Brave browser which has built in ad removal, cookie blocking, etc. I still see sponsored listings in the stream. I would have liked for him to be more specific here.
I guess it’s something to monitor, but not freak out about just yet.
09/19/2019 at 11:57 am #67970
I’m inclined to think there may indeed be an issue here, but I suspect it is not such a big deal. 1. Not all adblockers block this. It appears that some that do can be set to not do so (or, must be pro-actively set to block). 2 Since ebay chooses organic or PLs to show, at least some of the time, my listings will be seen by people with effective blockers because ebay will be showing them the organic, not the PL, listing.
Also, yes, some buyers complain about the sponsored listings. But there are always buyers complaining about stuff. The fact that I sell…as do many other ebay sellers…from PLs tells me that the complainers are not enough to worry about.
IF the blockers that DO block the PLS can be set to block, say, 3rd party ads but not sponsored listings, then I would say it’s on the buyer to do that. And by removing the duplication ebay has actually given them an incentive to do just that…because otherwise, they won’t see all the search results.
I’m just not convinced that there is any major issue here. I’d need to see a lot more evidence.
09/19/2019 at 12:02 pm #67971
Mighty Brilliant, Yes, some of his videos are great. I still watch when I have time. I just fear he’s been moving in a more sensationalist direction in order to get more traffic. I’ve seen the same thing happen with other YouTubers. I guess its the nature of the business. I think in this case he means well, but he may be jumping the gun.
09/19/2019 at 12:34 pm #67972
I shared above that I’ve seen a drop in impressions and clicks on Private listings in September compared to June-August. Can a few more people check their numbers and see if there is a drop?
09/19/2019 at 3:18 pm #67983
My August impressions for promoted listings were actually down, but my September impressions are at new highs.
09/19/2019 at 12:58 pm #67978
I just did a search on etsy (with Ad Block Plus on) and their PLs show up….etsy puts the word “Ad” in the upper left of the gallery photo.
09/19/2019 at 1:04 pm #67979
From FTC website (this explains why ebay calls PLs “sponsored listings” in search results, rather than calling them promoted listings):
Terms likely to be understood include “Ad,” “Advertisement,” “Paid Advertisement,” “Sponsored Advertising Content,” or some variation thereof. Advertisers should not use terms such as “Promoted” or “Promoted Stories,” which in this context are at best ambiguous and potentially could mislead consumers that advertising content is endorsed by a publisher site….
09/19/2019 at 5:05 pm #67985
Don has posted an “update” video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7axIHx-5pxA&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0BCO45Lv2jfStnFA-_al7nKcvqDz5m-orFjpA_kqPDpH4j7DN4X7DDSqY
So it appears that at least some ad blockers can be set to block PLs, although it doesn’t really sound to me like that is the default setting for most blockers.
But that’s been true for quite a while now. The ONLY difference is, before the recent change in PL policy, even if a buyer blocked the PLs, he would be shown the organic version of the same listing, since both were displayed. Now, when ebay chooses to show the blocking buyer my PL, the duplicate organic listing won’t be shown by ebay, which means the buyer will not see my item.
I can live with that. I’ll continue to use PLs. Don advises everyone to stop using PLs until ebay “fixes this” but it’s not clear just what ebay can “fix”. ebay is required by law to identify the PL as sponsored, and it is presumably that identification that triggers the ad blocker.
My view:
1. Yes, a lot of people use ad blockers. But how many have them set to block PLs if that isn’t the default? My guess, the percentage of buyers who have done that is very small.
2. The buyers who do block may eventually realize they are ensuring that they will miss out on some stuff they might actually like to buy, and will drop the blocking when they realize they are basically shooting themselves in the foot.
3. Most of the buyer complaints I’ve seen about PLs have centered around two things: 1. Many people didn’t like the duplication (PL and organic for the same listing) ,which ebay has now addressed by getting rid of it. 2. No one, buyers, or sellers doing research, like the PLs showing up in places they shouldn’t. I’ve seen them show up, for example, in low to high search results, but they don’t abide by that structure…they just appear, regardless of price. I’ve also seen them show (as active listings) in solds….this issue is known to ebay and it does sound like they are working on it, but I think they need to coordinate between the search team and the PL team to resolve it. But ebay is aware of it. If they can resolve that, there will be even less reason to block PLs.
So, I just don’t see any reason to jump the PL ship. I think it will continue to be a useful tool.
But, as Atomic Star says, if enough sellers take Don’s advice and drop PLs, well, all the better for those of us who continue to use PLs.
09/19/2019 at 9:48 pm #67997
Ralli Roots also did a video about this issue plus a related Promoted Listings problem. They call ebay concierge during their video and share what they learn. It’s interesting but a bit confusing to me. Worth a watch.
09/19/2019 at 10:04 pm #67998
I just watched that….unfortunately, it looks to me like they have completely misunderstood what is going on here…and they have a lot of followers, many of whom are dumping PLs because of the misinformation they shared. Sad. Although, again, less competition for those of who will continue to use them, I suppose. Still, I feel bad for people who are being misinformed. His own search in the beginning proves that the non duplication rule means that ebay will sometimes show the organic and sometimes the PL. (Initially, the Concierge incorrectly says they’ll show ONLY the PL….but she does correct that…but Ryan incorrectly claims she’s wrong…but as I said, his own searches at the beginning PROVE she’s right. And I think she tries to exit as gracefully as she can, because it’s pretty clear Ryan isn’t going to really listen…)
So, this isn’t actually directly related to what Don the Auction Professor is saying, since he’s talking about the impact of Ad Blockers. They aren’t really getting into ad blockers at all. What they are doing is TOTALLY misunderstanding the effect of the change ebay made in the Fall Update.
Still, Don made that same error. He says early on in his first video that ebay is now , due to the non-dup policy change, showing ONLY PLs. That simply is not true.
09/20/2019 at 6:42 am #68002
And just so Im clear: we only pay the Promoted Listing Fee if the item sells through the PL, right?
A Promoted Listings fee is charged based on the ad rate selected by the seller.
Ad rate is the percentage of an item’s final sale price (excluding shipping and taxes), and is only charged when a buyer clicks on the promoted listing and purchases the promoted item within 30 days of that click. The fee is based on the ad rate that was in effect when the promoted listing was first clicked.These folks are acting as if eBay is charging us for useless PL’s. But even in these scary scenarios were buyers dont see the Promoted Listings, you wouldnt be charged any fees. Right?
09/20/2019 at 7:36 am #68004
Jay, That’s correct. The Rally Roots fear is that if only the PL is shown, and never the organic, they will ALWAYS pay the PL …before the recent policy change, a buyer could see both the organic and the PL, and thus there was a chance of selling without the PL fee. The totally incorrect assumption they are making—contradicted by their own search results—is that with the new non-duplicate policy ONLY the PL will show. This is false. It is true, only one result will show, but it can be the organic OR the PL.
People (like Rally Roots and Don, the Auction Professor) all just assume ebay will show the PL because ebay makes more money if the PL sells. They fail to take their analysis any further. They ignore the fact that ebay has also said they want only so many slots filled by PLs on the search results page. Now, I’m making this up, but bear with me: Let’s say ebay wants two of the first five slots to be PLs. That means that, even if all of the tip five have been designated as PL by their sellers, ebay will choose only two of the five to display as PLs, the other 3 will be shown as organic. And this is dynamic, by which I mean, buyer A may see these two as PLs, but buyer B may see these other 2 (depending on a number of factors).
In other words, even if ALL your items are designated by you as PLs, you will have some organic sales because they won’t all be shown as PLs all the time. It also means that Don’s fears about ad blockers is way overblown. He assumes any listing designated as a PL will only be shown as a PL, and therefore, buyers with ads blocked will never see his listings. He also assumes something like 50% of buyers have ad blockers on. I seriously doubt that. I think the percentage is smaller, and I think it is much smaller if you check to see if the ad blocker is set to actually block the PLs (most blockers can be set, for example, to block only pop ups, banner ads etc….and I think most do ONLY that by default.) So he’s making a series of unproven assumptions….
The sky is not falling. Period.
09/20/2019 at 8:37 am #68008
As a buyer, I find the Sponsored or Promoted Listings to be almost negligible:
https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=keen+shoes&_sacat=0&LH_ItemCondition=3000&rt=nc&US%2520Shoe%2520Size%2520%2528Men%2527s%2529=10&_dcat=93427There are only three Sponsored items in the top of the page (and I use an Ad Block Plus, one of the most popular Ad Blockers). Unlike Amazon where being the top five results is important, I always scroll through listings to see if I can find a better deal. Especially for used/vintage items, style and condition vary an really matter.
09/19/2019 at 11:03 pm #68001
I think they are missing the mark, however, there is still a big issue with eBay’s new change. I think the Adblock is a non-issue. I sell items through promoted listings all of the time, so I don’t think the issue is there. What I do think is an issue, and I have confirmed it by doing a search on my store, is that your original listing will disappear in favor of the promoted listing (when eBay flags the the original listing as being ranked lower than the promoted listing). So, essentially, you will be paying MORE on promoted listings than you were before (considerably more). I run a small percentage promoted listings on all of my items perpetually and just by looking at my current ad fees, they have escalated quite a bit. I would recommend everyone look at their invoices and make sure ad fees haven’t climbed too high from what you are willing to pay.
09/20/2019 at 6:44 am #68003
Yet somehow these gurus are still making hundreds of dollars within 5 minutes of listing (Ralli Roots), and thousands of dollars in a weekend (Don), and before this have had no complaints about their items selling. Now, somehow, Ebay is doing something very, very wrong? Yeah, okay.
I agree with MyCottage and Joe on this one. It sounds like are people willing to pay into a system that on the surface seemed like it would result in more sales (huh?) and visibility, but are now confused about what their payments are actually good for. They’re not seeing the amount of increased sales they were expecting. In most cases, why should they? What are they doing differently with their stores other than running PL? What steps are they taking to improve their businesses? Why blindly throw money at PL if you’re unsure how it works in the first place? That seems to be the case for the majority of people using it. Just throw money at a “promise” of increased visibility, but if your item is still overpriced, not photographed well, not described well, not interesting to a buyer, it will still not sell.
09/20/2019 at 7:40 am #68005
almasty, PL can make you sales. I don’t doubt that. It is not a gimmick or scam. BUT…you are correct. If your item is way over-priced, or has terrible photos, it probably won’t be chosen to be displayed as a PL to begin with, no matter how high a PL fee you’ve chosen. What’s the old saying? God helps those who help themselves? Well, PL helps those who create good listings in the first place.
09/20/2019 at 9:19 am #68012
In regards to using PLs and what they are good for –
I think there is a faulty assumption by most scavengers that everyone on the Internet shops like we do. There are people who don’t enjoy searching for the lowest price. They can afford (and enjoy) buying something quickly on impulse. PLs market to those people.
I LOVE these customers.
They seldom makes returns. They don’t ask a million questions, and generally don’t send offers at ten cents on the dollar.
I am willing to pay extra to get my stuff in front of these wonderful people fist.
But yes you still have to take good photographs 🙂
09/20/2019 at 10:47 am #68037
@D&C: I am with you and also one of several reasons why I am also going to Free Shipping on most of the items in our shops.
From a few things we have been watching, like amount of questions, especially about shipping costs, a greater number of offers, amount of low ball [more than 50%] and normal offers [most being an offer that is almost exactly the same as the Cal. Shipping cost would be.
We are of the opinion that as many video posters state that many people see it, want to buy it, and don’t want to spend the time or don’t know how to make offers, wait on our responses, play around with bouncing back and forth with possible counter offers from us, etc., etc.
They see it, want it and just want to pay for it. Too much trouble or time consuming to have to add things together like item cost and shipping or they don’t even know about the shipping tab and entering their zip codes to discover what shipping will be, and god forbid have to add those two numbers together. Ebay says a lot of abandoned carts are due to the buyer actually seeing the cost of shipping for the first time because they didn’t take the time to “see” the shipping on the listing, get freaked out and then abandon the cart.
So to D&C point: PL doesn’t cost a thing unless it sells, the promoted fee I have at 3% across the board is less than having to take offers lower than 30% OFF ++ or speeds up the process to a point of “See it, Want it, Buy It, Right now and Ship it Fast as you ca” syndrome of what, in our opinion, is becoming the way, we feel most buyers want to buy.
Too many people in this world seem to be too busy to deal with a yard full of details, the “WEEDS” as Jay calls it. They are sitting in their car waiting to pick up the kids at school, in a parking lot waiting to go into work, getting off work, buying at work [yep] and just want to see one photo, decide if it’s “cute”, click buy it and be done with it.
We feel that newer items that are not “old and stale” instead of the “list and forget” method is now a better way to go [end listings and relist automatically [with SixBit], cross post, run a small promoted listing on all, always have some sort of flash sale going and ending, build up our own domain website, social media promotion to drive traffic to all sites and eventually wean buyers over to just our store, then use Google ads to replace platform promotions [because all that does is drive traffic to Ebay and Etsy and not specifically to our store and specific item.
Then we will see where we go from there.
So rather than worry about the “weeds” of whether Ebay is showing 1, 2, both or none is too time consuming for us now and we need to focus on building the business, infrastructure and our own traffic. Use PL at a low rate and let it ride. You only pay if they buy and 3% of the Sale is peanuts compared to the fact we run Sales with as much as 25% to 30% off at times or cave in to low ball offers that add up to about the same percentage off. And we are hopinh to get instant sales instead of potential sales we have to have a conversation about.
We have settled on “See it, like it, buy it… an Ya’ll please do come again!” approach.
And as always, just our team’s opinion [their are 6 of us now] and that and $1.00 will get you a third of a cup of coffee! LOL 🙂
The team at MDC Concepts, Inc.
MDC Galleries and Fine Art
SmartParts Small Equipment
Capitol Atlantic Properties, LLC
and now JR SprayFoam, LLC [yep back to the spray foam business partially]Susan, Lisa, Jean, Karen, Michael, George
09/20/2019 at 11:27 am #68048
@MDC Galleries:
Some good points here. To summarize: Grow your business by looking at the big picture, not obsessing about every detail. Although it may be important to understand those details.I understand what you mean about ‘old and stale’ vs ‘list and forget’. And I can see why ‘list and forget’ works for many. Your monitoring and relisting are still details but you have delegated the details to SixBit.
So tell me how long does it take for items to go ‘old and stale’? 30, 60, 90 days or other? And, now that eBay monthly relists are for a different number of calendars days (30 or 31, perhaps 28 for february or 29 for leap year), do you take this into account or just ballpark it when setting your SixBit custom duration?
09/30/2019 at 12:30 pm #68432
I was hoping to hear back from you by now regarding my SixBit question:
specifically about ‘old and stale’. So I am giving this thread a bump.So tell me how long does it take for items to go ‘old and stale’? 30, 60, 90 days or other? And, now that eBay monthly relists are for a different number of calendars days (30 or 31, perhaps 28 for february or 29 for leap year), do you take this into account or just ballpark it when setting your SixBit custom duration?
09/30/2019 at 6:14 pm #68453
Sorry Timo… Just too many things flying at me right now, about all I have time for is to duck!
This topic has been discussed numerous times here on SL and is surely somewhere in the old Blog and or Forum archives. The old threads could possibly be found, or Jay could help. He is good at searching SL for us.But without paraphrasing those whole threads, in brief, things don’t just go stale. It is matter of personal preference though combined with what has been stated on Ebay by Ebay.
An Ebay employee and engineer who worked on designing and building the Cassini search engine within eBay has spoken of this. A few years back he was a speaker at the Australian Ebay Open giving a seminar which was videotaped and is still accessible, was asked how Ebay viewed listings that were posted as Good Until Cancelled and left for a long time. His answer which you can watch, is that Cassini begins to consider listings over 90 days old as getting stale, but mostly on listings that have no activity on them [traffic in other words], no Sales if they have more than one available, or views, watchers, the seller hasn’t made any tweaks and improvements to the listing, title, description, etc., etc. Ebay knows these things via Cassini.
Another question from the audience asked well what does Ebay do about it. Back then his answer was, Cassini begins to give preference to listings which have activity on them and as a result has a better chance of selling. The list it an forget listings, do eventually sell, as many of us can attest too, but could they have sold quicker if Ebay would not have abandoned giving the listings extra exposure in search results.
Now granted this is coming from a tech engineer who worked on building Cassini, so I take it that this was not some conspiracy theory. In any case after that video was shown many sellers begin ending their listings after about 90 and then relisting them. But the choice of when to do it is more of a personal analytical survey of your own store, the season, and your inventory type.
Jay says if you have a one of kind, a real one of a kind, no comps for years and years, nothing currently listed and such, well just leave it forever. Eventually it will sell. “List It and Forget It”. But if you personally as many of have, got items you have had for years and years and you listed it 4 years ago and have never visited it again to improve the SEO of the title, have abandoned any type of description, don’t care about Google and more so don’t even care if Cassini finds it or pays any attention to it or care if it never gets any more exposure then, why end and relist at all.
BUT, if that engineer on the video was telling the truth and they built Cassini to start to not dwell on listings as they get older and older and have no traffic or interest from both the buyer side and the seller side, then why do much to promote or feature this listing. Ebay has better things to put in front of the buying public. New things, contemporary things, things they can track are being searched, for, listings where the seller has made some changes to the listing to at least do their part to improve the buyer interests, then maybe Ebay might help those who try to help themselves.
The automatic renewal of a listing just takes the Ebay e-commerce ID number and “extends the expiration date”. Ebay does not unlist it and relist it when the 30, 28, 29 day is up. Then as this concept evolved some found out that if you end a listing manually and do a complete re-list that the old listing is gone and so is any Ebay tracking of that old listing, When it gets relisted, Ebay sees it as a brand new listing and sees that item as a new posting by a seller and assigns it a new e-commerce ID number. Now eBay starts to do some of it’s behind the scenes work. It shows your relisted items in newly listed promotions. Some buyers who search for new things posted on Ebay will now see this as a newly created and uploaded listing. You will get a small icon on that image which displays in your shop for a while, until it starts to get older. Catch the drift there?
So, in order to gain Ebay’s Search Engine attention again the relisting process has been a technique used by some. But it is labor intensive for many unless you can automat the process. Ebay is even now starting to place a sentence on every sellers Hub page that when you take a look at your active listings, the blurb reads, this item is over 16 months old and we suggest you maybe do something to make this listing a little more appealing. Well I would guess after 16 months they have about given up on wasting resources on doing anything special for it.
So, I fall in between both extremes. By using SixBit I can see, sort and filter all my listings on the last modified filed. SixBit keeps track of when a listing was 1st created and each time it gets edited, improved and or modified. Then if I see no buyer traffic, no searches, watches, low impressions and low click through, that tells me first my listing was pretty much way off base, Improper keywords, wrong order, wrong description phrases, maybe price but to us we price way high and work down from there through sales, offers, free shipping and promotions.
So, I filter those older listings and if they are much older than 6 months +/-, I highlight all in SixBit and click Cancel these listings. That is done in a few seconds. Next SixBit shows me all those ended listings. Then I highlight all of them again and click “Go to Items for Selected Listings”. This is very important you get the correct “Go To” selection. This then puts them in a separate folder in “Sell Items, where I can then do bulk-batch edits to make changes to those ended listings. Make shifts on pricing by a percentage. A lot of times I go up on the price not down, or bulk change to free shipping, open up TerraPeak or Marmalade which can be used to search for better and higher-ranking keywords and make changes as I see fit. Then I resubmit back to Ebay, Etsy and Shopify [once I get my shopify store opened back up], and viola’ All platforms see these old listings now as brand spanking new listings, give them their new e-commerce ID number and they are now all considered fresh again and as far as Ebay knows, I just the item yesterday and just now listed it today. Fresh, new, get any attention of juice Ebay may want to throw at it, etc., etc.So Ebay’s relist does not do any type of changes to the listing. But if their new system does show every relist as new, then so will the SixBit relist with a new ID number and I make some personal choices about the listings and how I was presenting those items to the public and hope that my new changes may freshen up the whole listing by making changes in numerous sections.
Hope this helps and I am not so wrong on these points now that I am delving out ill advice so do some research and fact check me on everything including finding and watching that old Ebay Open video. If you get new updated data, please share. It may save me some work, though not too hard in SixBit
Mike at MDC Concepts, Inc.
MDC Galleries and Fine Art-
10/02/2019 at 3:25 pm #68521
I know you have a lot going on right now. Thanks for the wall of text & well of info. It all sounds correct to me.Wish I could list and forget but I cannot seem to do so. Most of my items are just not all that unique. Before eBay GTC I would list most items for 30 days, then review, tweak and relist. That does waste a lot of time that should be spent listing new items. So, in one sense, I thank eBay for helping me waste less time that way, but I still think most of my items go stale in 60 or 90 days. And even a simple relist with no tweaks seems to help.
I have Sixbit Small Business Edition (no allocation plans) and it helps with that but there is still more tedious work than I like.
09/20/2019 at 11:34 am #68050
@debit: That is definitely true. Some people just scroll from high prices to low and then make their decision that way! Depending on the item, it is sometimes better to price at the higher end to attract the right sort of buyer.
As a buyer, I do sometimes find myself going for “best match” type results on both Amazon and Ebay if the item I need is a more common, generic item. I then just figure out which has the best reviews overall and buy from there. I do realize a lot of the initial results are pulled from “sponsored” type ads on both Amazon and Ebay. I do believe that sponsored results can be effective for these type of items, but not necessarily for the vintage type, one of a kind unusual type of items that a lot of us sell.
09/20/2019 at 9:21 am #68013
@debiteandcedits Truth! I sold a St John jacket to a comedian in Hollywood last week for $300 and it was a PL. Those are my favorite customers.
09/20/2019 at 10:43 am #68035
One more thought on this….
If what everyone is saying is true, if your listings are promoted only the PL will show to buyers, that means all of our listings say “sponsored”. If that is the case, many buyers will skip over those listings. I know I do. SO my entire store is promoted. If all those listings say sponsored, I might be hurting my sales. I’m so hesitant to make a change not even two weeks before 4th quarter. If I turn off promoted listings will it help or hurt me? I know no one can answer that. That’s what’s going on inside of my brain.
Also, isn’t it sort of illegal for eBay to only show listings that are promoted, never giving organic listings a chance to sell?
09/20/2019 at 11:10 am #68040
I’m so hesitant to make a change not even two weeks before 4th quarter. If I turn off promoted listings will it help or hurt me? I know no one can answer that. That’s what’s going on inside of my brain.
eBay is just a big black box so the concern is understandable. But as long as sales keep happening, I wouldnt overthink it. As I said in an earlier post, I didnt even see the “sponsored post” on listings till I actually knew to look for them. As a buyer, I always scroll through a page of listings to find the item I want. Just because its the top spot means nothing to me. I think thats more important on Amazon for new commodity items IMHO.
Also, isn’t it sort of illegal for eBay to only show listings that are promoted, never giving organic listings a chance to sell?
Nope its not illegal as far as I know. But it could make their search less trustworthy since “poorly created” listings could get a top spot just by paying for it. Google does paid ads that show up in top searches, but they realized it had to be clearly defined on the search sidebar and not mixed in with search results.
eBay could suffer a reputation hit if they push it too far. Right now, its just a business executive trying to squeeze out a little more profit.
09/20/2019 at 12:54 pm #68056
Atomic Star, in the Ralliroots video the eBay rep says your promoted listings will still sometimes show up in a search as an organic result (not promoted) depending on several factors. That seems like something that would be easy enough to test out.
I too tend to skip over promoted and sponsored listings both on ebay and just in general google searchs etc. It’s making me rethink my use of promoted listings. I have the majority of my store promoted at 1%.
I have noticed that more and more of my sales are from promoted listings.
09/20/2019 at 1:25 pm #68059
Cyndi and her husband at Amazing Taste also put out a video addressing this. They ran some ‘tests’ to check what Auction Professor is stating in his video. They came to the conclusion that the information isn’t accurate. Fast forward to 3.23 min if you want to skip the chit chat.
09/21/2019 at 8:51 pm #68082
I was thinking about this today and had a blue-sky idea pop up.
Every go to a page and get a pop-up that says “You seem to be running an ad blocker, you must disable it to view this page” (very irritating).
So, it seems page code can detect an ad blocker. Is it far fetched to think eBay could only show organic results if they detect an ad blocker? Just a thought, it sure would put a stop to the concerns I think.
09/21/2019 at 9:15 pm #68084
ebay has responded to this, acknowledging that Ad Blocking software CAN block PLs, but noting that most buyers who use it don’t set it to block stuff like PLs. eBay’s data suggests about 2% of PLs might be blocked by ad blockers. So, yes, eBay could probably include a pop up message about ad blocking software, but….for 2%? I don’t think it would be worth it.
I think this was a totally unnecessary tempest in a teapot, frankly.
09/21/2019 at 11:21 pm #68086
Interesting. Where did eBay publicly respond to this PL debate?
09/22/2019 at 7:37 am #68094
Yikes. Of course the usual suspects took this as a chance to monetize their “support for the reseller community” by giving their 2 cents to their huge youtube audiences. I saw a few comments in one of the videos say “thank you so much for looking out for us.” Uhhh…not really?! Now when these people don’t get sales since their items aren’t on PL anymore, who or what are they going to blame? The youtube hucksters?
09/22/2019 at 9:15 am #68104
Jay, Apparently, ebay sent a response to The Auction Professor, etc. I know Don published the text of the response on his FB page, if I get a chance I’ll do a copy and paste later. Basically, I think ebay isa saying what I’ve said….yes, ad blockers CAN be set to block PLs, but very few are, so the ACTUAL effect of ad blocking is minimal. I did’t have stats, but ebay’s stat is about 2% of PLs are blocked. Personally, I can live with 2%. Heck, just think of buyers who use some of the filters, like Free Shipping—-if my items don’t have Free Shipping, the buyers using the filter won’t see them. And again, I can live with that.
I continue to view this as an unfortunate tempest in a teapot. I think Don The Auction Professor meant well, I think he sincerely believed (and, apparently, still believes) that this is a major issue.
09/22/2019 at 9:23 am #68105
Jay, Here’s the response. I think Don also has a new video out in which he talks to ebay about this, but I haven’t watched it.
“I am the Head of Seller Experience for eBay, and I appreciate your video and everyone’s comments. I would like to provide some feedback – Ad blockers generally are intended to block intrusive ads (like pop-ups) that disrupt the user experience. We have designed our Promoted Listings ads to align natively with our site experience, and most ad blockers do not block that sort of non-intrusive content. However, there are a host of ad blockers on the market, and each maintains its own user settings and policies distinguishing between intrusive ads and acceptable native content. Currently, our data suggests that promoted listings are being blocked for less than 2% of traffic. Like other marketplaces and social networks, we are constantly evaluating our user experience and our advertising programs, including the impact of ad blocker software on the content we make available”.
Not sure, but I think ebay originally posted this to the Comments section of Don’s first video.
09/22/2019 at 9:28 am #68106
We just had a sale this morning that was a Promoted Listing.
09/22/2019 at 9:41 am #68109
Jay, Doesn’t surprise me at all.
09/22/2019 at 12:08 pm #68112
09/22/2019 at 2:05 pm #68118
Just watched Ryan’s update. Nothing new really, it’s what I’ve been saying all along. This is no big deal.
09/22/2019 at 12:12 pm #68113
For the past 14 days prior to today, 21.1% of orders (count) came from promoted listings. The PL dashboard for 14 days shows we paid a cumulative 3.8% extra for PL sales. During that time I’ve been using the typical rate, updated about once a week as those percentages change.
There is really no way to tell what would have happened with a different %, or how many of those orders I would have received regardless. In general, I’m happy with the results but I’m going to keep watching the fuzzy results.
A general observation, it looks like trending rates are going down a little bit, perhaps because of the PL/Ad Blocker scare.
Here’s an eBay page that shows trending rates in various categories, if you haven’t seen it. https://pages.ebay.com/promoted-listings/adrates.html
09/22/2019 at 12:37 pm #68115
we don’t use promoted listings. Guess we won’t have to worry about any ad blockers huh? lol
09/22/2019 at 12:48 pm #68116
Tony2Times, We do use PLs, and I don’t have to worry about ad blockers either, because it is simply nothing to worry about… LOL.
09/22/2019 at 12:56 pm #68117
The only thing I worry about is upsetting my wife, yep I’m a little scared of her, lol
09/22/2019 at 3:25 pm #68122
Tony, Same here. In my experience: Happy Wife, Happy Life.
09/22/2019 at 9:05 pm #68137
I might have missed something but I wasn’t concerned about the ad blocker thing. It’s only 2% effective.
What I have learned is that it’s no longer true that if you promote your items they show up twice in search; one time organically and one time as a promoted listing. Now the listing will only show up once, whether it is promoted or not. What I was buying was double exposure for my item by adding the promotion. Now the listing will only show up once in search even if you are promoting your listing.
According to eBay: If your promoted listing shows up higher in search than your organic listing would have then your organic listing disappears from search. Conversely if your organic listing shows up higher in search than your promoted listing would have then the promoted listing disappears from search.
Logically (although as we know this was not 100%) promoted listings should show up higher in search than organic listings, which would cause your organic listings to disappear and only the promoted listing to show up in search. That means if you use promoted listings on all your listings basically none of your items have any chance sell without you paying the promotion fee – simply because your organic listings no longer show in search.
09/22/2019 at 9:26 pm #68139
Personally, I think getting paid for more sales from promoted listings is a primary driving force behind eBay making this coding change, with the sounds good reason being there is less clutter.
I may sound cynical, but I worked in marketing management for a large company and learned then there are always at least two reasons for any change. The real reason and one that sounds good.
I think we just need to watch closely and try to tell if there are any upward sales trends from this change and compare that to the cost. It’s hard to be accurate with that when we’re working with small numbers.
09/22/2019 at 10:29 pm #68144
Vintage Treasures, I saw people talking about the double exposure a few weeks ago and told the better half: People don’t get it. It’s NOT the double exposure that matters. And it will likely go away. Which, of course, it now has.
You say (as do many other people): “That means if you use promoted listings on all your listings basically none of your items have any chance sell without you paying the promotion fee – simply because your organic listings no longer show in search.”
Let me be blunt: Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. ebay will EITHER show the PL OR the organic. There are a lot of factors in play as to which will be shown. Remember, this is NOT being done in a vacuum. ebay only wants to show so many PLs on the search results page. So, if, let’s say, ebay wants to show 3 PLs in the first 10 slots , but all 10 listings have been put into PLs by their sellers, it’s simple math: 3 will show as PLs, 7 as organic. Also, PL , as is search generally, is dynamic. So, exactly the same search terms could show my item as PL for this buyer at this time, and as organic at another time. And that isn’t because ebay is “rotating” through sellers….it’s because EACH search can have a different result.
09/22/2019 at 10:17 pm #68141
Frankly, the reason doesn’t matter very much. I do know there were complaints on the ebay Community Boards, Facebook Groups and elsewhere about the duplicate listings. In some cases, buyers were even upset because they tried to buy two items and could only buy one, and couldn’t understand why. Some people (buyers and sellers) ASKED for the change.
I think the change is actually relatively minor, a housecleaning sort of thing….less clutter and confusion in search results, but no big deal. It’s always a good idea to keep track of sale trends and cost, but this change will likely have a negligible impact. The real key to improving PL sales is 1. sellers create better listings and 2. ebay’s PL algorithm continues to improve.
09/23/2019 at 8:38 am #68154
Ryan from Ralli Roots also spoke to eBay directly and put a video out. Some of the issues were announced as a change in promoted listings. I think Ryan is pretty right on with his thinking. He used to be a social media guru and I know enough to understand where he is coming from.
09/23/2019 at 10:03 am #68163
lol! please delete this is spam.
09/23/2019 at 10:38 am #68168
I’m so confused by all the fuss. If sellers dont think Promoted Listings are fair/accurate/good/etc, then don’t use the program. Just list your items as normal.
So weird.
09/23/2019 at 10:48 am #68172
Ryan is a lot calmer and rational in the last video, therefore more credible.
09/23/2019 at 10:39 am #68169
almasty, You’ve lost me…what is spam?
09/23/2019 at 11:35 am #68176
First time poster and first post specifically to post this video and comment on how Ryan’s thinking is “right on.” “He used to be a social media guru.” Huh? Sounds spammy to me.
09/23/2019 at 12:02 pm #68180
Not a spammer. I am a long time listener to the show, and a long time ebay seller. Don’t get a chance to come on the forums much, just happened to look after listening to Jay’s podcast. I happen to be a follower of Rayan and Alli too.
Have had a pretty rough year in general, with life and with eBay. Suddenly found my self unemployed and had one store shut down because I couldn’t pay my fees, have been trying to build up posh and etsy to be able to get back on eBay. So, please, don’t just judge people before you truly know who they are.
09/23/2019 at 12:38 pm #68185
Welcome therebelthrifter. Without having introduced yourself first, it was difficult for anyone to know who you were and why you were posting. Im glad Ryan posted a more sober update on Promoted Listings. Im still confused why he was so worried about it. Either use PL’s or not.
Sorry to hear about your financial difficulties. Its very important to pay for your eBay fees or else you cut off the way you make money. While I dont recommend it, eBay fees can be charged to a credit card and paid off later if you’re in a tough spot.
09/23/2019 at 1:44 pm #68188
I had a good post about data, but wordpress keeps flagging it as a 403 error and I don’t know why.
Long story short, I’ve always been around half of my sales through promoted listings. Nothing has changed so folks are still seeing and buying my normal listings.
It is very easy to pull your total sales for a date range and also pull your promoted listings for the same range. I recommend everyone do this every once in a while to gauge how many of your sales are from PL.
10/06/2019 at 5:20 pm #68665
I got really annoyed with promoted listings showing up in my search results when I am looking for ebay items – its rather obnoxious to me when I’m trying to sort by price and I keep seeing sponsored listings..
So I am now actively using adblock to remove all sponsored listings. It works, confirmed. At the moment it takes a little extra work on the user’s part because ebay has been trying to work around ad blockers by changing their coding… but plenty of people have figured this out and the adblockers will likely catch up soon.
That said, people such as me using adblock to remove these listings probably are not your buyers anyway
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
10/06/2019 at 5:26 pm #68667
I have Ad Blocker Plus, one of the most popular ad blockers. It currently doesnt block promoted by default. But if it ever does, I assume eBay will choose another course of action.
eBay actually solved the issue of the same listing showing up twice. Now they dont show Promoted and Organic in the same search.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
10/06/2019 at 5:31 pm #68668
Yeah, like I had said, it takes a little extra work on the user’s part currently. You have to open the settings of the adblocker and add this line into user rules: ebay.com##li.s-item:has(span:has-text(/S[^P]*?P[^O]*?O[^N]*?N[^S]*?S[^O]*?O[^R]*?R[^E]*?E[^D]*?D/))
Once you do that, all sponsored listings are removed.
Its because ebay changed their coding to avoid adblockers, but the people who code for adblockers have figured it out. Its really just a matter of time until the adblockers are updated with the new code, and then cycle may just repeat.
Again, people like me probably aren’t going to buy your sponsored listing anyway, so perhaps a moot point. But if the adblockers do update with the new coding, then any average user with adblock would have them blocked again
10/06/2019 at 5:41 pm #68669
And also, I never had a problem with showing same listings twice. The reason I wanted to remove them is because when I sort by lowest price, the sponsored listings kept showing up at the top. And the items I’ve been searching for had several sponsored listings so its was pretty aggravating when searching regularly for good deals. So that’s why I wanted to block them
If you do some google searching on how to remove sponsored listings, you’ll see quite a lot of users wanting to do this
10/06/2019 at 6:46 pm #68672
Understood. Last week, 15 of 51 items we sold were Promoted Listings. That’s more than 20%. Would they have sold otherwise? Difficult to tell.
If more and more buyers keep blocking Promoted Listings, or we sell fewer and fewer items, it wont make sense anymore.
10/06/2019 at 8:05 pm #68691
“Last week, 15 of 51 items we sold were Promoted Listings. That’s more than 20%. Would they have sold otherwise? Difficult to tell.”
Jay, When PL first started, I was always asking myself that question. I finally concluded there’s no way to know for sure, and, more importantly, I don’t really care. What I care about is this:
1. PL costs me nothing up front, except a little bit of time.
2. I think like most scavenger sellers, most of my items have huge margins compared to sellers of new commodity goods. Can I afford to run a 25% off sale on most of my stuff, without changing prices? Sure. Because I’ll still make good money. By the same token, can I give ebay a few extra FVF percentage points on my stuff by using PLs? Sure, because I’m still going to make good money. Just two different ways to try to increase my sales velocity. Truth is, when I sell something with 25% off, I have no way of knowing if it would have sold eventually at full price, but I don’t really care. I made the sale, I made a decent profit, the item is gone so I’ve made room for something else….I’m happy. LOL
10/06/2019 at 6:16 pm #68670
The ability to block via ad blockers has been there for a long time. It’s not new. It’s just that it is not the default setting for most ad blockers, and , as ebay notes, very few people actually go to the trouble of changing the setting. So, while it CAN be done, I don’t worry about buyers doing it, because most of them won’t. And, as JamesC notes, most of those who will block are probably mostly people who have sworn never to buy a promoted listing anyway. Which is OK by me. There are plenty of people who WILL buy a PL…..the number who won’t is low enough to be inconsequential.
In addition, what James C is complaining about is: PLs don’t really make sense in any search order other than Best Match. The fact that ebay sticks them in search orders such as “lowest first” is an issue, and it is one that ebay appears to be working on. It seems that two teams are involved, the search team and the PL team, so I suspect it may be a while before ebay resolves it.
But again, as a seller, it doesn’t bother me. Just as only a small percentage of buyers will use a non-default setting on their ad blockers, so only a small percentage of buyers will use anything but the default Best Match search order. I’d bet most buyers don’t even know there are optional search orders.
So, I’ll just continue using PL and I’ll continue selling.
10/06/2019 at 6:47 pm #68673
Yeah, I don’t have any beefs with promoted listings & I’m not sworn against them 😀
Its just really aggravating that they are inserted to searches where they clutter the results and don’t make sense, so I have blocked them altogether.
Pretty much agree with MyCottage’s post. The only additional point I’d make is that some adblockers actually do block these listings by default, its just a matter of coding being updated. I use Ublock Origin which is also one of the most popular adblockers. Adblock Plus is good, but they are known for being lax on their blocking rules while working with advertisers. More strict blockers such as Ublock Origin will block much more by default.
I think the people who buy promoted listings are not all that smart generally, or don’t care about price. The kind of person that just goes to the default search box and does one search. So yeah, more or less a non-issue.
I just wanted to add that these listings are in fact blocked by some ad blocking users
10/06/2019 at 7:55 pm #68690
“I think the people who buy promoted listings are not all that smart generally, or don’t care about price. The kind of person that just goes to the default search box and does one search. So yeah, more or less a non-issue.”
I’m not sure I’d say they don’t care about price, but I do think most people are not as price conscious as we scavengers are. The better half and I joke about this: Even buying stuff at WalMart can give us sticker shock. I think we’d both drop dead in more upscale shops. LOL That’s because most of what we buy—for our own use, as well as resale—comes from yard sales, thrift stores, flea markets, and we get a lot of our groceries at farmers markets or some of the Amish discount groceries we have around here. My smart phone was ten bucks at a yard sale. I mostly use it for ebay price research. It works fine for that. And it’s very easy to sort of assume everybody shops that way, but most people don’t. Most people think they are doing well if they clip coupons or get a 10% off sale.
The flip side of that is, we have to “shift gears” when we price stuff to list because we are pricing at prices we would never be willing to pay, and sometimes its hard to get out of the “Well, I paid a buck for this, so if I sell if for ten I’m fine, and no one will give me more” mindset. But when the sold data shows proves there are people who will give you $100, well, then $100 it is. LOL
I guess what I’m saying is: we tend to forget we are NOT the average consumer.
10/06/2019 at 9:53 pm #68698
“PLs don’t really make sense in any search order other than Best Match. The fact that ebay sticks them in search orders such as “lowest first” is an issue,”
I agree. I find this really annoying as both a buyer and a seller.
10/11/2019 at 1:38 pm #68912
After all this hubbub, am I the only one still seeing promoted and organic listings of the same item in the search stream? Have they backed down? Not implemented it yet?
https://imgur.com/4ySTfWQ -
10/12/2019 at 6:13 pm #68924
Mighty Brilliant, I just listed an item, then added PL to it, and what I’m seeing is: Only the organic listing in Best Match, but I am seeing organic and promoted in all the other search orders. Were you seeing the two in Best Match, or some other search order (such as Highest to Lowest, etc)
10/13/2019 at 7:26 pm #68945
Hey! I’m seeing them in best match and lowest to highest. Weird.
10/13/2019 at 7:37 pm #68946
With PC, mobile, or both?
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