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- This topic has 255 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
01/03/2024 at 11:34 am #102054
This is the 1st thread for 2024. Post your Challenge numbers here each week starting on Monday. You do not need permission to join, just post your numbers and I’ll add you in.
For information and rules on the Challenge, go here. Please note 2024 changes to the rules in this post here.
First week of the year begins on Monday Jan 01, numbers must be posted in the week starting Monday 08.
01/04/2024 at 11:35 am #102059
2024 Resolutions!
#1. List at least one item every work day.
#2. Clear out those Death Piles by listing one and donating one unlistable item every week. That’s 100 items gone from the DP by the end of the year! (50 week year – I’ll be off at least two weeks for some reason!)
#3. Identify my niche.
#4. Most importantly – have fun doing it! Don’t sweat the petty stuff, don’t pet the sweaty stuff. -
01/05/2024 at 11:53 am #102064
2024 Resolutions!
#1. 20 new listings each week (lowered my goal from last year in order to have more hobby time).
#2. Work at listing/donating and clearing DP boxes.
#3. Think up and implement more fun challenges to boost my motivation to list.
01/05/2024 at 2:08 pm #102065
2024 Resolutions
#1 Create and follow a daily/weekly schedule
#2 Monthly catalog all death pile items from one bin and list or toss each one during the month
01/05/2024 at 6:10 pm #102066
1. Set up an account at another resale site (I will reveal later)
2. List 15 items a month there
3. Use Sell Similar, Promoted Listings, and new listings to stay active on eBay
4. Consider whether to transfer out Etsy items so that I don’t have to deal with three places
01/06/2024 at 2:45 pm #102067
1. Consolidate listed inventory. Continue to avoid sourcing large items for the time being.
2. Organize and make a list of unlisted inventory boxes on hand.
3. Limit sourcing outings to 2 max times a week for at least a few months.
4. Review old listings’ price and sell through rate. Sell similar listings 6 months old plus.
5. Get a travel benefits credit card for shipping.
01/08/2024 at 8:47 am #102070
Good morning,
60 items this week. I’m very happy with that number! Yesterday I took one of every vitamin in the house because my husband came down with whatever bug everyone seems to have right now and I’m doing all I can to keep my immune system strong and healthy. I felt like I could run a marathon after all of those vitamins! But instead, I listed like someone on speed.
I can’t remember whose idea it was to list out all of the contents of each deathpile box but thank you! I listed each item from one box into excel last week. Technically it wasn’t a box, it was all of the loose items floating around my office. Having the list to look at really helped me. I got through all 17 of those items by listing 14 and tossing 3. I’m creating another deathpile list this week. I guess maybe it works because I don’t have to think about what to list next, it’s already listed out in writing for me.
I’ve also created a written daily/weekly schedule for myself which has so far been beneficial. I hope I keep up with it. Sometimes the newness of the year gets me excited for change but I end up quickly losing steam as the days go by.
01/08/2024 at 8:51 am #102071
Amatino – THANK YOU for the Trash Elf tote! I love totes and bags. I use them constantly for taking things to the post office, for when I’m shopping at estate sales and when I’m bringing inventory up from my basement. You are so sweet (and amazing!) to award a prize and keep this group going.
01/08/2024 at 9:24 am #102072
20 new listings for mw last week. I met my goal so I’m happy.
Julie B: You’re welcome! DP box listing is something I’ve been challenging myself (and my eBay Bestie) with for several years now. It works great as long as you keep at it. And you totally smoked it on that task. Good for you!!! I’ve only listed one item from my January DP box so far. But I’m hoping to get in gear with it this week.
Good luck everyone!
01/08/2024 at 10:00 am #102073
Julie, you’re very welcome. You need to post a photo for the others, though! 😉
01/08/2024 at 10:03 am #102074
It was VT’s idea to list the Mystery Boxes. I loved her list of to-dos for the mystery boxes. She sure has figured it out and I’m glad to learn from her experience.
Zero for me last week. We were still on holiday and I had too much to clear to get back to work, so today is officially my first “work” day for 2024.
01/08/2024 at 10:30 am #102075
I listed 7 items.
I came back from my year end trip with a cold. I initially tested negative for COVID, but my second test was positive. Thankfully, I worked from home, so I didn’t get anyone from work sick, and no one else in my family got it. I did get a medication from my doctor to speed up recovery, and it helped.
My mom sent me home with books and men’s shirts to sell. I’m working on those first so that they don’t get any time to become death piles. The books are almost done.
Good luck on everyone’s box challenge!
01/08/2024 at 12:28 pm #102076
Only 12 new listings for me this week.
Challenging and maintenance focused week on Ebay, which I will post about in the main thread.
Happily school is finally back in session. My son leaves for study abroad this Friday, so after that I’m feeling like I’m really going to be chugging along IF my daughter can stay in school regularly.
When I had the last garage sale in 2023 I went through every single death pile box. I think I got rid of most things that were less than $10. Still much that I would not buy today but I am determined not to donate anything unless it’s damaged. This week I plan to organize listed and unlisted inventory boxes. Yesterday I managed some loose inventory.
01/12/2024 at 1:40 pm #102122
Hello Everyone,
Today is Quitter’s Day — the second Friday in January, when around 80% of Americans who made New Year’s resolutions have reportedly abandoned them. And as of this Monday we’ll be halfway done with the time allotted for our January DP box challenge. So if you haven’t already quit the challenge (LOL) now is a good time to access your progress. Are you halfway through the box you picked? If not, it’s time to pick up the pace!
Good luck!!!
01/12/2024 at 3:47 pm #102123
I’m working on a true death pile. I am organizing in the guest room and inside the side table I had stashed a bunch of breakable random picks that I had apparently tried to sell at a garage sale and then held on to for some reason. I have Google lens now, so was able to decide on donating several items. Then as I got to listing the remainder, found several had small flaws. Ugh. I’m going to take pics but price down and hopefully move them out quickly 🤞. It’s probably a bankers box worth.
01/12/2024 at 6:09 pm #102124
Good work Christine! It sounds like a true DP, good luck!!!
01/12/2024 at 6:22 pm #102125
I did finish the books that I brought back, but have not started on the men’s shirts. My illness is mostly over, but I’m still tired and not at 100%. Hopefully, I can finish everything in the next two weeks.
01/13/2024 at 12:16 pm #102129
:::::::slides into 2024 a bit disheveled but grinning:::::::
2024 Resolutions
1. Get on top of the carport once and for all
2. Process at least 2 death pile boxes a week
3. List 1000 items, which is roughly 20 a week
4. Eliminate the remaining one DP storage.
5. Go picking in another country.
01/13/2024 at 12:28 pm #102130
Let me say I am so glad we have more flexibility to post our numbers now. 8 items for last week. It was a week of organizing after the mad Christmas rush, and we also put away Christmas which is a great deal of work since we put up 4 fully decorated trees!
I am taking on the DP box challenge with great gusto. I have processed 2 DP general book boxes. I also have been working on 4 DP boxes of Urology manuals/textbooks, from a retired Urologist. Yesterday I started on a DP fabric box, and came to the conclusion that I will donate about half of it….just not great pieces. I hope to list the other half this weekend.
Y’all are so inspiring!
Really glad you are feeling better Sharyn.
01/13/2024 at 1:49 pm #102131
2. Organize and make a list of [types of] unlisted inventory boxes on hand.
I’m working on this resolution. Well, there seem to be more than I remembered. 🙁 There are probably 6 or more boxes full of stuff that came from my parents house and early Ebay purchases – all randomness and breakable but worth listing at 15-20+. Also two, not one, boxes of paper that would take forever to list. I’m sure I will lot some of that. Then two, not one boxes of really small items that will take a while to list as well. Not to mention the flatware. Oof.
01/13/2024 at 1:56 pm #102132
I did only go out looking twice this week. The flea market is closed, which helps. Did not find much, which also helps. I did pass over some pillows, larger items, and china that was an ok purchase, so doing well on that. Obviously I don’t need anymore list at all, but it helps to mix things up, get outside, and keep me interested in Ebay. New purchases do easily get thrown into the Ebay pipeline first and not added to garage piles. I need to avoid garage and estate sales entirely for now because it’s too much volume.
01/14/2024 at 3:47 pm #102140
Sharyn: I was sorry to hear you got Covid. Was this the first time you’ve had it? As far as I know I’ve never caught it but I have friends who have had it three times already even though they are current on the vaccines. I hope you are feeling back to normal ASAP!
Christine: I’m with you on not needing to purchase more inventory, but I also feel that finding new inventory inspires me to list. I too do well with listing newly purchased inventory right away instead of it going into my DPs. But I also realize that if I’m busy listing newly purchased inventory I don’t have time to list my DP inventory. So I’m trying to combine listing new and DP items each week. My dream is to get rid of all my DP boxes and only list newly purchased items in the future. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
01/14/2024 at 5:43 pm #102141
Hey VT –
Yes, this was the first time I got COVID as far as I know. Also, a correction to one of my notes above, my husband did get sick as well. His first test came out negative, and he hasn’t bothered to take it a second time. I’m assuming he had it.
I only got the first two Pfizer shots. I haven’t done any of the boosters or other shots.
01/14/2024 at 7:20 pm #102142
@Sharyn I hope you are both feeling better soon. My dad had Covid finally and is better but has dizziness.
Ok, I spent all of today in my guest room closet cleaning out and reorganizing. I think a few things remained in place since we moved in in 2009. Half the closet is now available exclusively for inventory! I bought some bins and some of those are still empty and available. This felt really, really great.
I looked in almost every box of death. There is soooo much left. Here is a list of unlisted piles/boxes (mostly listing this for my own benefit):
6 throw pillows – would like to be rid of these soon!
20 boxes of assorted linens (duvet sets, sheets, cartoon sheets, tablecloths, modern fabric)
5 boxes of vintage fabric
5 boxes of ephemera
4 boxes of coffee mugs left
4 boxes of art
2 boxes of flatware
2 boxes of stitchery kits
1 box or bin each: misc smalls, books, danish pots, small vintage light fixtures, platters, vintage wool blankets, vintage fabric covered hangers, playing cards, and Pyrex.
I have a number of other misc boxes, some marked “Ebay ceramics”, some from family and some I bought as a rookie. Gulp – 15 boxes and bins of that.
Finally, I have these boxes of family stuff: My childhood Breyer horses, my parents’ better cookbooks, some my kids’ books (need to see if any value), really old bisque dolls from my great grandmother (if anyone knows about this, give a shout), barbies and clothes (60s-90s), seashells, cameras, costume jewelry, kitchen tins, and embroidered linens.
Whew! I’m giving thought to unloading a few larger things on Facebook I think after I’m done with the reset.
01/14/2024 at 7:20 pm #102143
20 new listings for me. 8 listings this week were from my January DP challenge box.
I’m halfway through the box (as of tonight) but many of the first half of the box items were donated. Most of the reminder will be listed, so I have some work ahead of me.
Stay warm and safe everyone!
01/15/2024 at 10:05 am #102145
24 listings. Unfortunately despite my best efforts, I came down with the nasty cold my husband brought home and as of yesterday I think it’s turned into a sinus infection. So that’s been fun and has severely hampered my productivity.
I was able to get thru 5 DP items – 4 I listed and 1 I donated because it wasn’t going to be worth the trouble to set it up, test and photograph. Even though it was only 5, it sure feels nice getting these old deathpile items out of my life. Just having unlisted inventory around makes me less productive and less motivated.
01/15/2024 at 11:25 am #102146
I listed 3 items. Although I was feeling better, I was still tired at the end of the day. I took lots of photos this weekend, so I should have a bigger number next week.
@ChristineR – Damn, that’s a lot of DP boxes. I think I have 6-7 boxes still left over from my neighbor, about 3 from a new consigner, and some random stuff lying around not in boxes. I think my part time job keeps me from scavenging too much. That’s a good thing. -
01/15/2024 at 11:28 am #102147
20 listings for me last week. It felt good to achieve my listing goal 2nd week out. I am still working on the DP fabric box and hope to get through the other 2 Urology book boxes this week.
Christine I am astonished and deeply impressed by your organizational skills. You are sure to get rid of many of those boxes this year, and for that I applaud you!
Everyone seems to be doing great with their DP goals….let’s keep it going.
01/15/2024 at 12:25 pm #102151
Christine, you made me feel better about my own DP stash. You’re not alone with having lots of DP items that need to be listed.
I have more ideas for listing challenges if we lose momentum with the one DP box per month challenge, but so far everyone’s doing great! Keep it up!
01/15/2024 at 4:11 pm #102155
I’m glad I’m making you all feel better. 🙂 Lots of mediocre stuff came from my parents’ house and I was keen to learn sourcing so I have a lot of that stuff still here. I did sell my parents’ china over the holidays finally this year for roughly $500. But definitely bought WAY too much as a new seller and I was working my day job. I can also list faster and things sell a little quicker since they added make offer. I hope to get through most of this – except perhaps the really dense boxes – in 2024. Some of the linen bedding sets are so big that that they take up half a bankers box. For purposes of the challenge, I should count several of those boxes as one box.
I only made 8 listings this week, just some December RA orders that came in the mail. I spent most of the week organizing. I have a bunch of listings that need photos, including from that guest table “box”.
01/16/2024 at 5:05 pm #102165
Hopefully the picture posts. This is my 2023 Trash Elf prize generously created by Amatino! I photographed it with my reselling supervisor, Cookie. She will literally come and get me if I’m not at my desk during the day. She sits/sleeps on right next to my laptop and wants me with her at all times. So in a way, she is responsible for me getting stuff listed each days.
01/18/2024 at 10:48 am #102177
How cute is that and kitty too.
01/22/2024 at 12:03 am #102203
Finishing up for the week listing tonight with 32 new listings on Ebay. I created 22 listings on Niknax but those don’t count because they were all cross-posting.
01/22/2024 at 10:06 am #102205
42 listings for the week. That’s more than I did the entire month of January last year, so this year is starting out right.
Still working on DP book boxes. Got quite a few priced to go into shows or the mall spaces, but haven’t listed any of them yet. That will be a goal this week.
Cute kitty Julie! I have one of those distractions too, but in my case he likes to sleep next to my chair where I need to step to get up. He also likes to stand on his back legs and tap at my arm with his paw until I give him plenty of skritches. He’ll keep tapping until I relent.
Hope everyone has a good week!
01/22/2024 at 10:27 am #102206
I don’t get credit for a complete death pile box yet. Some of the bedside table box and wool blankest are listed, but I had to wash the rest of the wool blankets and need to finish the randoms from the table.
01/22/2024 at 10:34 am #102207
51 listings. I got thru 7 of the 9 DP items I had selected for the week. Two of those DP items I tossed. 1 sold within a few days of listing for a profit of $26.81 on the item. It’s nice when a DP item sells so quickly.
I had by far my most profitable sales day ever on the 18th. I couldn’t ship fast enough! Of course, it also happened that some of my most difficult to ship items sold all on the same day. Now fingers crossed that everything arrives to their destinations intact. I have been running a month long sale to blow out old inventory plus out of desperation one day I began promoting stuff left and right at much higher rates than previously. I’m shocked at how much those promotion rates take out of my profit but its working.
01/22/2024 at 6:32 pm #102211
26 listings this week. They break down as follows: 13 on eBay & 10 on Ruby Lane to open up my shop + 3 additional. I had been working on those ten since December but couldn’t count them because they were live until this week.
I’m almost through my box of shirts. Most of the them I listed on eBay and one on Ruby Lane. I have one more to list on RL. I was about to complete the listing, but I saw a dirty area on the collar. It cleaned up well, so I’ll be listing it soon. So, I should finish the challenge by next week.
I’ve got two kitties that seem to leave me alone while I’m working, although one will sometimes climb up on the back of my chair. Thankfully, all my work calls these days don’t use video.
01/23/2024 at 9:21 am #102217
20 new listings on eBay for me last week. Only one listing was from my DP challenge box. I’m lagging behind on the challenge, but I’m still plugging away. I may not finish my January DP box this month but I will finish it within the next few weeks. I’m pretty content despite not speeding through the challenge box. The thought of listing all those DP items has kept me from doing much shopping for inventory. So a win in that way at least.
Amatino, the tote is fabulous! And Julie your kitty cat is so adorable! It appears that all of us in this corner of SL have cats. I have a matched set of two ginger brothers.
Congrats to Sharyn for listing on a new platform, I’m interested to hear how Ruby Lane works out for you! And congrats to VL for managing more listings last week than in all of January 2023, you’re starting 2024 off wonderfully! Onward and upward!!!
01/25/2024 at 10:22 am #102235
Are you FRIKKIN’ kidding me? I wrote a huge, long post. Updates and replies and everything.
I don’t know why this platform hates me so much!
01/25/2024 at 10:27 am #102236
Right. This will be much shorter as I can’t remember everything I wrote two days ago!
Apologies for not posting the updates, I knew I had to skip a week and kinda sorta skipped two somehow. My thanks to Lacy for letting me know I was AWOL.
Julie won last year, so despite posting some impressive numbers, unfortunately she won’t get a point. First week’s winner was VT, 2nd week was the first tie of the year with VT & Lacy.
Loved reading all your updates, folks.In my (lost) post I responded to each of you individually. Suffice to say I wish you all health and fun for the year. I’m very encouraged by your enthusiasm for the Mystery Boxes and thanks to VT for her motivation.
Christine, your Death Piles are huge! I wish I could keep a straight face as I write this, because if that is your entire unlisted inventory, you have less than half of what I have. And I wish I was kidding. I’m going to be doing a Great Purge this year, so I hope to have a more manageable pile.
Wishing you all a great week.
01/25/2024 at 12:11 pm #102237
@Amatino – Ugh sorry I hate that when a post gets eaten.
I am somewhat comforted by the fact that some of it I did not purchase it all and some of that was not in my possession when I purchased the rest. However, yep did buy too much certainly. I was listing at a snail’s pace back in those early buying days as well.
I did learn a lot when I went through everything having my garage sales. I also learn by doing my inventory with like items stored together. I can see what is moving that way to some degree. All the time learning…that’s the name of the game. Also being really selective and pushing myself to hurry and not linger when I am sourcing. I still need to get it into my head that time is money.
01/25/2024 at 2:03 pm #102238
Yeah, I was donated a lot of mine, and a lot of it is not in my niche. Back when I received the donations, though, I didn’t have a niche! And I am still listing at a snail’s pace. Hmmm.. perhaps even slower than a snail… 😉
I’m working on purging at the moment, just so that I can clear enough space to work comfortably. I won’t be doing a Big Purge all at once. I’m going to clear an area/mystery box, list what remains, then move on to the next. That way I’m still working while I’m clearing and I’m not handling stuff twice. Unfortunately I live in an area that is too remote for a yard sale. We have a local street sale in our small town in May, and I may keep a few items for that. It depends on whether or not they are likely to sell for enough profit to justify getting up early and sitting on the roadside for 5 hours. LOL. Himself reckons I should just get rid of it and move on and, to be honest, it is extremely freeing to just let it go.
01/29/2024 at 7:51 am #102247
18 items listed. This week kind of got away from me. I’m blaming the new liquidation store that opened nearby and The Great British Bake Off that I started binge watching last week.
I kind of forgot about my death pile until this morning! All I accomplished on that front was I took 2 DP items to a seamstress to repair/sew on buttons. Both repairs I could have done myself but I’ve found for $6, it’s faster and easier to let someone else do it for me. I don’t think I can even get to my sewing box anyway.
01/29/2024 at 12:33 pm #102248
30 listings for me last week.
I think my massive DP beats both yours, Amatino and Christine. It’s partially from the closing of my B & M shop, partially from hoarder hauls, and partially from my dad, who was a big time vintage magazine seller in the 80s and 90s. He had a bomb shelter that was filled with thousands and thousands of magazines and related items, and when we got him out of his terrible living situation, my brothers took all the sports related stuff and I got the rest. It’s a massive overwhelming amount of magazines. I’ve sold a few framed pieces in my mall space and we’ve listed a few, but my husband doesn’t like dealing with them and I have too much on my plate. We’re taking a bunch of them to a table show in a couple of weeks and hopefully we sell some there.
DP box news: I got 3 death pile books listed on Etsy, and processed a box of 1940s Duchess dolls.
Thanks VT for the encouragement! It seems like we’re all on the right track this year…let’s keep this momentum going!
01/29/2024 at 1:08 pm #102249
Lookit me! I’m posting on time (if this post doesn’t get “eaten”)
Gak! Trying to figure out which posts work for which days is rather confusing. Anyway, I think I have it down. The winner for last week was most convincingly Julie, but as she is our Honorable this year, the win goes to Lacy who put up a great number. Spreadsheet updated.
Part of my long post last week was about a puppy that I was asked to foster. He was abandoned on the side of the road in the middle of winter, and found emaciated and freezing. There was one puppy with him, who did not survive the night. We have no idea how many puppies there were originally. Here’s what he looked like when we got him on Jan 12.
He was suffering with extreme abandonment issues as well as his health problems. It has taken me three weeks to build him back up to health and to be secure enough to trust going outside in the grass. He was dumped in the grass, it had very bad memories for him! He was an enormous amount of work as I couldn’t leave him alone for an instant. Plus with an approximate age of 4/5 weeks, I needed to feed him on a 4-hourly schedule: 7, 11, 3, 7, 11, 3. And yes, that second 3 was of the AM variety! He weighed just over 4lbs when I got him, less than half of his healthy weight for his age, according to the vet.
He was supposed to move on to a no-kill shelter this past Saturday to go wait for his Forever Home. Unfortunately, he never made it there.
Dang husband fell in love with the dang dog!
Here’s the same pup today with one of my older rescues. They look like they could be related, don’t they? Except that the puppy’s ears are droopy, while the dog’s ears are perky.
Now that he’s rehabilitated, he’s much less work. He’s put on weight, now at 11lbs, so he no longer requires multiple meals. With my free time (*rolls eyes*) I have been working on the promised purge in my garage and I love all my new space. I sent a car load of stuff to GW for some other enterprising seller to find, and even a bunch of stuff to the dump as it really wasn’t worth the effort of listing. Now that I’ve cleared so much, and finished washing all the rugs in my house for the umpteenth time (how long does it take to housetrain a puppy?) I hope to get a few listings up this week.
Wishing all you wonderful elves a fantastic week!
01/29/2024 at 1:11 pm #102250
Yay! It posted! I hope it stays up! LOL.
Gratuitous extra puppy pic
01/29/2024 at 2:57 pm #102251
Omigosh, a puppy!! Squeeeee!
01/29/2024 at 6:15 pm #102256
Awwww .. What an adorable puppy. @Amatino – you (and by connection your husband) must just be caring animal lovers. I know this is not the first time you’ve done this.
I listed 12 items this past week.
I did list the last of the shirts, so I am done with the box challenge for January.
01/30/2024 at 9:46 am #102259
@Amatino great job! Special place in my heart for animal rescuers.
I made 21 listings on Ebay last week. To be honest, I didn’t keep to my goal of only 2 sourcing outings. I’ve been cross-posting to Niknax and have about 40 listings going over there so far. It’s slow sales for everyone but it also presents some opportunities even though I’m not the type to go live.
More expenses just keep cropping up and I really need to list hard core this week. My daughter’s schedule is adjusted and it should create more opportunity.
I should finish my huge bin of death pile wool blankets today. I went through and discarded most of a small box of vintage correspondence, keeping only the unused greeting cards and postcards, which will get tabled for later listing (so no credit). I’ve start this morning on a box of vintage linens.
01/30/2024 at 10:42 am #102263
The new puppy is adorable Amatino! You’re the best for all that you do to help animals in need.
Now that we don’t have a next day reporting deadline for our weekly listing numbers I’m proposing that we add dates to make it quicker for Amatino to figure out which numbers are for which week. She’s a busy lady! So 20 listings for me for the week of 1/22-28.
I didn’t finish my January challenge box and I won’t have it done by the end of the day tomorrow – so I’ve not met my DP box challenge for January. With my husband’s birthday and us going on vacation at the end of this month (we just got back) I just didn’t leave myself enough time to complete the challenge. But I’m not demoralized, I’ve made a lot of progress on my January DP box and I’ll finish it in February. I’m super pleased to see everyone else making great progress on the DP box challenge. Go, team, go!!!
Has everyone chosen another DP box or pile to challenge themselves with during February? I have my February box picked out and it’s a doozy.
01/31/2024 at 10:01 am #102266
I’m fine with any reporting deadline y’all decide upon. It seems like most of us post by Tuesday or Wednesday so maybe one of those days….
I finished my January DP challenge early in the month and have chipped away at other DP areas in my room without much specific focus so for February my focus will be on my clothing rack. I haven’t been able to completely empty it in probably years at this point. There are 24 pieces of clothing on it that have some minor annoyance that needs to be dealt with like a small stain or pilling or broken strap or whatever that I keep putting off. I need to power through it.
01/30/2024 at 2:24 pm #102264
I keep thinking about a box of vintage t-shirts left over from my neighbor’s cleanout. I felt that I would be interested enough in those that I decided not to put them in the auction I ran in October. I’m probably going to have to move some other death boxes around to find it, but that would be my goal for February.
02/01/2024 at 12:09 pm #102281
Thanks for the kind words about the puppy. He is very cute and growing like a weed!
Wow, Julie, only $6? I don’t think we have anyone who can do stuff that cheaply locally. That being said, there’s a new alteration place just opened up locally. I wonder if I should check her out. While I sew, I hate alterations and upcycling. I know, bad me! But I think upcycling is more work than sewing from new! Perhaps she would be worth cultivating as a resource.
So you have a family history of reselling, Lacy? How cool is that! I have found that vintage magazines sell quite well and they’re super easy. Do you have a flatbed scanner? Scan the magazine, front and back and maybe one page in the middle. Upload and list. I got a whole pile of Victoria magazines a while back, never heard of them before. I sorted by year, then date, and scanned, listed using Sell Similar and changed the title. It was fast work and they’ve been selling steadily. Pretty much one afternoon of “I don’t feel like work” and I have a dozen listings!
You’re a treasure, VT! Thanks for trying to make it easier. I think I have a handle on it now, so dating is not a requirement. You’re welcome to add a date, if you wish. And you’re great to do all the motivating for the mystery box challenge. I’m very grateful that you’ve taken that on!
January was not a good month for me to have a mystery box. It wasn’t a great month for me at all, for eBay work. I think I did one listing the whole month! However, I put the month to good use, clearing out the garage. My garage floor was getting to the point of “walking path only” and now I’ve cleared it back to only a few things on either side of the space, in front of the wall shelves. I’ve got 2 small piles of items on my workbench, a small crate of items on the floor next to it, and a tote of stuff underneath it. In terms of the definition, that would count as 4 mystery boxes! LOL. My February goal will be to clear at least one of them. I should probably start with the piles on the bench, so that I have space to work on stuff. I shall nominate the pile directly under my computer shelf as my February box. It’s probably only a dozen items, but it’s all clothing, which I hate listing! The positive would be that they’re gone and I don’t have to deal with them any more! Ha!
Happy February, everyone! Good luck with your boxes this month.
Spreadsheet updated and Lacy took the week. Well done!
02/05/2024 at 11:52 am #102316
20 new listings for me for the week of 1/29 – 2/4/24. I listed one more January challenge box item last week, but I’m still not done with that first box… I’m hoping to step it up this week as far as DP challenge box listings: there’s plenty to choose from in the box I pulled for February.
How many participants in the DP box challenge have already had a sale from their January challenge box listing? So far I’ve had zero sales from my January DP box, but I know it’s just a matter of time until something from my January challenge box sells.
Wishing everyone a great listing week!
02/05/2024 at 12:17 pm #102317
Hi all. I made 59 new listings on Ebay and cross posted a few over on Niknax, mainly holiday stuff.
I went through some of the really old boxes and pulled anything related to the upcoming holidays, plus some glassware because that is popular on Niknax. I did not list my last three wool throws, which are large and I’ve been avoiding them. Did list a complete banker’s box of kids’ bedding and sold one sheet set this week. The rest of the listings are grabbed from other assorted boxes and recent purchases and don’t really count. I also sold a death pile shower curtain.
After the kids’ box, I switched back to comfortable hard goods. I need to put on my big girl pants and list some duvet sets. I have a bunch of Pottery Barn ones that should get listed. All large and a PITA to inspect and photograph, but they are laundered. Someone yell at me to list those LL Bean wool blankets. LOL
02/05/2024 at 12:25 pm #102319
@ChristineR – Get those wool blankets listed! 😖 LOL
02/05/2024 at 12:22 pm #102318
I listed only four this past week, but I’ve got lots of photos and listings started.
From my January challenge, one men’s button down shirt and two books sold. One of the books was $60, so that is good.
For my February challenge, I found that the t-shirts are distributed among several boxes. My plan is to move all into one hamper. Later I can decide for or against the other vintage clothing left over. Really, clothing doesn’t sell fast, and I have limited time with my “career job” getting more busy.
02/05/2024 at 12:52 pm #102321
Everyone is being so productive! Very inspiring. 22 listings for me last week. I’ve sold several books from my DP January boxes and a few pieces of DP fabric, including one today!
My big job this last weekend was to organize the massive mound of DP in the carport. It took us 8 hours but it’s all done. I ordered some tall rolling shelf racks and they take up little space and hold so much. Almost everything is on them and now it doesn’t seem so overwhelming and the carport finally looks decent. Big job, big results.
Amatino, the biggest problem with the magazines, other than there are literally THOUSANDS of them, is that many of them have a musty smell. It affects my husband’s allergies, which is why he doesn’t want anything to do with them. We’ve tried a few things, but so far nothing has worked. They were stored in my dad’s bomb shelter for years and years.
Christine, you are a listing beast! Congrats on the huge number!
02/05/2024 at 1:11 pm #102322
57 listings for the week 1/29 – 2/4.
I’ve sold 4 items from my January DP listings so far.
For February’s DP I listed 4, donated 2 and took another 2 in for repairs.
I was having a crazy productive morning today and was so excited for a productive week but then I badly strained a back muscle at the gym. I don’t know if I’ll be very mobile this week because of it. That seems to be the story of my life – things will be going in a positive direction to where I feel like my head is finally above water and then BAM! something happens that knocks me down for a while. Hmph! At least I have lots of stuff to crosspost since I’ll be in the recliner all day.
02/05/2024 at 1:30 pm #102323
Wow, I’m so pleased that everyone (else) has had DP challenge listing sales already! That’s fantastic!!!
02/05/2024 at 1:39 pm #102324
Julie, I am so sorry about your back! I say some chocolate is in order, to help ease the pain.
You did post an impressive number though…so kudos for that!
02/05/2024 at 8:15 pm #102331
Thank you V Lacy. Great minds think alike because after grabbing the ice pack for my back, I grabbed a large bag of M&Ms to set next to me as I reclined. 🙂
02/05/2024 at 9:34 pm #102332
02/05/2024 at 11:35 pm #102336
Christine, yes it does! At least the carport part of my DP.
We’re going the the bins tomorrow to celebrate! Ha!
02/06/2024 at 10:14 am #102341
Lacy have fun! It’s good the closest bins are 35 minutes from me. I kind of have been craving a trip and did well with my picks from last time.
02/06/2024 at 8:28 pm #102344
Christine, ironically the bins that are closest are terrible…..small, completely disorganized and super crowded. There’s 3 others in the Portland area. The largest one is on the South end and we don’t make it there too often. There’s a small but nice one close to the Portland airport. The one we go to most often is west of Portland. It’s in the same area as the antique mall where we have a space and also the Grange where I do my show. So we usually have an excuse to go there.
Found some fun things today, including a vintage red chenille bedspread, some vintage patterns and some great seasonal china, as well as a few interesting MCM pieces and a book from 1895.
02/07/2024 at 10:02 am #102347
I’ve only made it to the bins twice but it was pretty civilized. Someone even offered us a cart. There were Gen Z kids in the clothes and then I suspect a lot of people looking for nice, newer stuff to flip at flea markets. I only saw one other one of our interest, picking vintage crochet afghans. In the picked over bins I found vintage.
02/07/2024 at 10:48 am #102348
Reseller Porn!
Figured this would give some of you weak knees. Lacy, I know exactly which photo you’re going to squee on! LOL
02/07/2024 at 12:53 pm #102350
@VT There are some months you won’t get to finish a challenge box. Set it aside to see if you can add it to a later box? How do you handle “leftovers”? You’re the Mystery Box Queen, so the rest of us would like some guidance! LOL
@ChristineR – Me too! List those LL Bean wool blankets! Heheheheh. Well done on a great listing number!
@Sharyn – I’m pretty much done with women’s clothing. It’s long tail, it sells for low prices, and it has high returns. I’ve donated a LOT of women’s items, over 300, and I will see whether or not I want to stay in the mens’ category.@Lacy – well done! I remember you mentioning how that carport was a problem for you a few months ago. I’m glad you got it all sorted. And I feel your pain on the musty smelling magazines. I wish I knew a solution for that. It’s horrible.
@Julie – yikes! Hope you feel better soon. Great listing number!Spreadsheet updated, congrats to Christine for a terrific win this week.
02/07/2024 at 2:07 pm #102351
Amatino, you know me so well. However, I already have one almost exactly like that one!
02/08/2024 at 10:52 am #102358
Good news, Lacy, because that company is often very highly priced and I shudder to think how much it would cost to get it for you! 🤣
02/11/2024 at 7:46 pm #102383
Hello Everyone,
For the week of Feb 5 – 11, I have 47 listings.
I was able to list 4 items from my death pile. I think I have 11 more item to list or donate in order to finish that particular death pile.
Have a good week!
02/12/2024 at 10:17 am #102384
I made 39 new listings.
I am steadily approaching 1000 so I’m going to need to start thinking about some low dollar stuff that I’d like to purge and not pay 25 cents on to carry. I copied or moved a little bit of that and all of my Mercari vintage over to Niknax but haven’t sold anything on there last week. I’m not alone in slow sales on that smaller platform but I keep posting the chat and Crazy Lamp lady picked some more of my items to feature last week.
02/12/2024 at 11:34 am #102385
20 new listings during the week of 2/5 – 2/11/24 for me. I also did a huge reorganization of my DP inventory closet which took most of last week.
Amatino is right about me not getting through a mystery DP box every month. I’m going to be 2 for 2 for the first two months of 2024. I rolled my remaining January box items into my February box (once I’d listed enough for the January items to fit in the box). But my February box is going to shift into my March box for sure.
I’m going on vacation in ten days and I’ll be gone for the rest of February. There’s no way I’m going to get all my challenge items listed in the next ten days. But I’m happy to get any amount of my deep DP items listed. They’ve been sitting in boxes for years now. I also finally sold something that I’d listed as part of this challenge, so I’m pleased about that!
Christine, I’m also doing a purge of listed low dollar and long tail items as I was getting super close to 1,000 listings. I’m now down to under 965 and I’ve only purged one listed inventory box, so that worked out well for me.
02/12/2024 at 5:05 pm #102396
I listed 12 items this past week.
For the box challenge, I retrieved all the t-shirts from the vintage clothing boxes left over from my neighbor’s consignment. There were three t-shirts that were still in package, and I managed to list two. I’m almost ready to list the third.
For the remainder (40-ish maybe), I washed the ones that appeared to be worn, and the obviously new ones were left as-is. Now all I have to do is photograph and list. Ha.
Actually, it shouldn’t be too difficult. I have two mannequins, and I’ll get into a rhythm. The only issue is conflicts with other responsibilities. My “career job” actually should be less work this week. Our customer hasn’t paid us for a few months, so we’ve been told to continue work, but not interface with them. Since half of my job is that interface, I should be a bit light this week. Now, getting taxes started and organizing paper that has been ignored for the past year; those are two other issues.
02/12/2024 at 6:31 pm #102398
Woot! I FINALLY got to put some listings on the board, thanks in huge part to my eBay Bestie who has been gently nudging me back to work. 4 listings up for me and all of them from my Workbench mystery “box” that I said I wanted to clear in February. I’m going to finish clearing my entire workbench this month. I’ve got about 5 piles that I’m counting as a “box” each, and I started with the easiest one. Urk! The fact that it was the one directly blocking my printer is a huge factor, but although I know the Eat the Frog First principle is sound, I have to clear the easier stuff to give me somewhere to unpack the really awful box that is at the end of my particular rainbow. These are items that ended up getting piled on the corner of my workbench because I quite literally didn’t know what to do with them. I think that this time I will make a decision. Either I figure out how to list them or I get rid of them. They’ve been my bane for far too long! It will be a wonder to have the entire workbench cleared of clutter! I plan to set up the corner as a photo booth, which will allow me to quickly photograph the next “box” in line! Woot woot!
I’m loving how we’re all getting down with our Death Piles! This is so cool. Thanks for getting us on this course, Treasures!
02/13/2024 at 12:09 am #102400
10 listings for me last week. There was a lot of family stuff going on…..taking parents to doc appointments and a visit from Tennessee, which involved showing him all around the Portland area and parts beyond. This weekend we have a show, so the rest of the week will involve getting ready and doing the show so I don’t expect much in the way of listing this week. But hopefully I sell some of those dang magazines!
Sold a couple more DP books, although I didn’t get anymore listed. There’s always next week.
02/13/2024 at 9:41 am #102404
Congrats on another win, Christine!
Spreadsheet updated.
Good luck for your show, Lacy! One day I’ll be in the area and attend.
02/19/2024 at 12:05 pm #102443
36 listings for the period ending Feb 18th. Didn’t make much headway through my death pile. That stuff is in the DP for a reason: IT ISN’T FUN TO LIST! 🙂
The last 90 days my sales are up 75% even though my average sale price is down 23%. The increase is largely due to the new amazon liquidation store in town where I’m finding some pretty amazing clothing scores (I got a $325 Vince silk blouse for $3!) and I’ve been listening to TechNSports on Youtube. He has a group you can join for a fee but so far I’m only listening to the free content. His no B.S. style has lit a fire under me.
Have a good week!
02/19/2024 at 12:24 pm #102444
45 listings for the week. 10 were books from my DP. Lots of family stuff going on last week so I am a bit surprised I got anything done. I think it was an escape from all the drama.
02/19/2024 at 4:54 pm #102447
20 new listings for me during the week of 2/12 – 2/18/24. I can’t remember if I’ve already said this but I did finally get DP challenge sales. Hurrah!
Happy President’s Day everyone!
02/19/2024 at 6:49 pm #102448
I listed 19 items for the 2/12 – 2/18 week. A large portion of them are the t-shirts from my challenge box. They were fun to list, so it didn’t take too long. The total ended up being about 30 t-shirts. Around 25 are listed and 5 went to the donate box. So, I’m done with the February challenge!
02/20/2024 at 6:09 pm #102449
Just 13 items for me. I was away for a 4 day weekend. Didn’t list any death pile items last week.
@Julie I started the 2024 selling guide by that guy. He is advocating for the faster nickel and I compares your storage space to a parking lot that you can rent out. The faster you flip you can rent the same spaces more – and use the same money to make money. It’s a compelling argument. Also applies to basic store listings for me right now. Still need to finish the episode. -
02/21/2024 at 4:32 pm #102452
Hope that your drama is dimmed a bit by the news that you won the week, Lacy! Congrats!
Great news on your sales, Julie. What a fantastic find with your Vince.
It’s wonderful that the box challenge is still running. I’m glad that you’re all doing so well with it!
I managed to list 6 items this week and cleared out a bunch of junk stuff that wasn’t worth selling. 16 items that were pretty, but worthless. I’ve cleared one whole side of the garage over the course of this year, and it feels amazing! Now I just need to get my listings up and feel good about that too.
Wishing you all a fantastic week.
02/22/2024 at 11:14 am #102454
Posted on the main page, but also here for my peeps:
If you receive a message like this, do not click the link!
Hi there,
I’m encountering difficulties in completing my purchase. Each time I attempt to finalize the payment, I receive a notification stating that the seller is unable to process it. eBay support has informed me that certain sellers might have limitations on payments from new users. To address this, they recommended sharing the following link with you:
This link directs to a new feature designed to potentially alleviate the issue. It’s entirely at your discretion whether you choose to activate it. Would you mind checking if it’s enabled on your end? Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
02/26/2024 at 10:59 am #102466
79 listings! I think that is my most ever. I had no idea I’d listed anywhere near that many. I had some easier things to list this week which certainly helped. I’m also trying hard to list 10 listings every day and having draft listings ready to go for those days when I need help getting 10 listings up.
I’m also chipping away at the DP, only 4 items left from the “clothing rack of doom.”
02/26/2024 at 11:04 am #102468
I listed 7 items. All but one were to my Ruby Lane store. I need to list two more items there before March 1 so that I don’t have to pay a store fee. I guess I have one additional day this month compared to most Februarys. 😀
I’ve been busy at my “career” day job, and this week will be no different. I’m not expecting to list much.
02/26/2024 at 11:41 am #102471
23 new listings for me on Ebay. I had some personal stuff going on but also indulged in shopping a bit too much and not enough listing to be sure. All were newer purchases. Hoping to get back on track this week and there should be fewer interruptions.
I crossposted a few to Niknax and I’m up to 95 over there. Sales not really happening over there but I’m hoping things pick up.
Great job Julie!
02/26/2024 at 5:49 pm #102489
Congratulations, Julie. It IS your highest ever. Your previous record was 75 in the week ending April 12, 2021! It must feel fantastic to have almost cleared that clothing rack.
Ruby Lane, Sharyn? Yet another platform. I think that’s why eBay is struggling so much, there are now so many eBay-alternatives.
Does anyone else cross post to Bonanza? I’ve been with them for years. They’re not busy like eBay but they bring in a sale every now and then, and they’re Google-searchable.
No listings for me this week. We went away on Friday to a concert and I’m doing major clearing and decluttering in the house again. I’ll be away the whole of next week on a shop hop, and then Mr. Handyman will be making me a new custom cutting table for my sewing room. I’m getting the room cleared and sorted in readiness. Plus, puppies are incredibly hard work! HE wanted the puppy, and I get to do all the work! Wait until I’m gone for a week and he’s cleaning poop piles and pee puddles. Yeah!
02/27/2024 at 12:55 am #102493
20 listings for the week. And we finished the dang Carport! We rewarded ourselves with a fun trip to the bins and found some fantastic books, including one from the 1880s that is so rare we can’t find anything anywhere about it. And a rare edition of the African Queen!
Sold a $75 set of Urology textbooks from a DP listing. Chipping away at the DP too.
Congrats on the huge listing number Julie!
02/28/2024 at 9:37 am #102507
20 listings for me during the last full listing week in February. I was only able to list from M-W last week – I was on vacation from last Thursday until last night. My vacation was wonderful – it’s hard to be back to RL!
I sold a couple more items from what I did manage to list from my January and February DP challenge boxes, but I still haven’t listed everything from either of those boxes. So those items will roll over into my March box. I did a blind pick for my March box already and did the inventory list on it. I got very lucky because it happens to be a box with a smaller amount of large sized items. Hopefully that will help me to catch up with my DP listings in March.
Wishing everyone luck with their March boxes this week!
03/03/2024 at 1:40 pm #102537
Congrats on finishing the carport, Lacy! Nice finds, do tell about the rare book when you have some info. That’s interesting!
Spreadsheet updated, another win for Christine. Well done! Julie is our Honorary Mention with her astounding number, but she won last year.
I’m leaving tomorrow on my All Texas Shop Hop road trip. We’re getting a rental car at 8AM and returning it on Saturday noon. We’re hoping to knock out half of the shops in the Hop in this week. Wish us luck!
03/03/2024 at 5:45 pm #102538
Good luck with the shop hop stops, Amatino. Have a wonderful time, it sounds like lots of fun!
20 new listings for me this week, which was difficult after returning home from vacation on Tuesday night. I was either too tired or too busy to list anything at all until this weekend. Zero DP challenge box listings for me this week, I had to find the fastest to list items I could in order to make my weekly listing goal.
Vacation was a blast and when I returned I went to the BIFF (Boulder International Film Festival). Now I need to buckle down and get back to listing DP challenge items before I go out of town again. Fingers crossed.
Wishing everyone a productive week!
03/03/2024 at 10:44 pm #102539
I did not list anything this past week. I was very busy with the career job.
I did get a bunch of preparation done for my March challenge, which will be jewelry. I had become bored and never finished jewelry from my family friend consigner. In addition, I have jewelry from an auction lot I purchased last year and from my neighbor consigner. The box of stuff from my neighbor is mostly costume. I’m either going to group stuff together or donate to the friends group at the local library. They are having a jewelry sale fundraiser at the beginning of May.
@Amatino – Are you going on this Shop Hop as a seller or buyer? Either way, have fun!@VT – Have fun on all your travels! I hope you get some DP listed.
03/04/2024 at 7:43 am #102540
67 listings for the listing week that ended March 3rd.
My March DP is the pile that perhaps plagues me more than any other. It’s in the corner of the room. It’s a bin and several large tote bags that I need for other purposes but have been unable to use because they are full of unlisted inventory. I did pull a few items out of it the other day and was surprised to find two NWT Athleta swimsuits I purchased back in August. This particular DP throws off the organization of my entire room because it’s supposed to be where I keep my clothing rack, light fixtures and mannequin when I’m not using them. Whatever I don’t get listed from it by the end of March is going to be donated. I think that will help propel me to work on it. I’ve started it several times over the years and always abandon it.
03/04/2024 at 1:51 pm #102541
Only 5 listings for me. I have no idea where the time went last week. This should be a better week for listing. All listings were new items, no dp and there is more freshness here by my desk to do.
03/04/2024 at 10:58 pm #102551
One of the big three rummages is this weekend. I had better put my head down and list this week.
03/05/2024 at 12:40 am #102552
35 listings for me this week.
I tackled another DP box this week, filled with vintage salt/pepper shakers, old spice tins and little glass jars, mostly. I was able to get all them listed, with the exception of a 2-panel vintage barkcloth curtain. I’ve never listed curtains before and I must confess I find it a bit intimidating. I’d like to finish the box, though, so I need to summon up the courage to figure it out.
Good luck on your trips, Amatino and VT…hope you have a blast!
03/11/2024 at 8:45 am #102599
41 items for the period ending March 10th. I believe only 2 items came from my DP but even worse is I’ve added stuff to the very DP that I’m supposed to be working on. Ugh. And somehow it’s already March 11th. I need to get a move on that DP!
03/11/2024 at 9:35 am #102600
20 new listings for me for the week ending March 10th.
It was a super busy social obligations week for me and I found it a struggle to list even my easiest non-DP items. I’m starting to think I’ll never actually finish a DP box. But at least knowing the DP challenge is hanging over my head has kept me from sourcing much – so at least there’s that!
I’m headed out of town again on Friday so I’ve blocked out today and tomorrow with no plans other than listing. I hope to get 20 items from my languishing unlisted inventory up this week. Fingers crossed that some of those listings are actually from my DP challenge boxes!
Wishing everyone a great week!
03/11/2024 at 10:23 am #102601
I listed 6 items.
I had tested all the gold & sterling jewelry items the previous week, and I thought I’d get more done. However, my career job was very busy again, and the jewelry is taking more time for research than I thought. Even with me planning to group the costume jewelry in lots, I’m not sure I will get all of it listed by month end.
03/11/2024 at 10:24 am #102602
I listed 26 items. These were a combo from an estate sale I went to a couple of weekends ago, some recent thrift purchases and my Macys RA. All that stuff was around my desk. I still have a few more recent purchases to go, but luckily the rummage sale was somewhat of a bust so I didn’t add much there. Unfortunately, I need to work on our tax stuff and my COGS bookkeeping so this week will probably not be stellar and I won’t get to the DP.
03/11/2024 at 10:40 am #102605
@vintagelacy I kind of am getting the bug for in person pop up selling. The best one is pretty expensive for a 10×10 spot at $80 but would get a lot of tourist traffic. The flea market is better priced @$35 with a large space, but I’d get fewer shoppers and they would be willing to pay less. Most of the downtown one is clothing and jewelry. There is a budding college area one that is very cheap but almost all clothing.
What thoughts do you have and what hard goods sell best for you in your booths at the fairs? I watched a couple of videos and I’d need to collect or thrift and buy quite a few things equipment-wise so I guess I either need to commit or decide to wait maybe until next peak tourist season. One south of us is super full with a huge waiting list though and I think the one here might take off like that.
03/11/2024 at 1:48 pm #102606
Hey folks! Back from my shop hopping and we managed to do 50 shops out of a total of 104 state-wide. It was a blast and we covered so many miles (nearly 2,000) and in some horrible weather on one day in Dallas. I swear, if I’d seen anything remotely ark-shaped, I’d have been banging on its doors. We had flash flood warnings and Google re-routed us a couple times to avoid flooded roads. I white-knuckled down the freeways at a doddering 53 mph being passed by cars skiing at 130 or so! Visibility was about 3 car lengths and the worst was driving in the dark. Ugh! Not an experience I’d like to repeat!
However, most of the time was the best fun and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Obviously, no listing last week. I did the spreadsheet for last week and despite Julie’s Honorary high, Lacy took the win.
Lacy, I’ve listed curtains and I find they always sell a lot faster if you actually hang them to take a couple shots. Or if they’re NIB, I zoom right in to the photo on the front of the packet, where they’re hanging, and I post that as the main shot. Hope that helps!
03/12/2024 at 12:24 pm #102607
22 listings for the week…all from a DP box of figurines that I forgot that I had. I’ve already sold one!
Amatino, so glad you had such a good time on your shop hop! Sounds like a blast!
03/12/2024 at 12:57 pm #102608
Christine, I truly love doing pop-up booth shows. They can be a fair amount of work but are really fun and fulfilling if you get all your ducks in a row. Once you have invested in your props it’s really minimal investment going forward. First I would suggest using 3 or 4 four-foot plastic tables. Super easy to transport and take up minimal space. You’ll also be able to store your merch boxes under them. I use vintage sheets for my tablecloths, again minimal space and they cover the tables completely, which is ideal. Think about what to use as risers. You don’t want everything at one level…you want vertical which will catch the eye more. Hat boxes, little shelves, stools, suitcases, and the like. Suitcases are great because you can transport merch in them, saving all important space in your vehicle.
Categories that do well for me:
Vintage books. I price most of them in the $10-12 range, although more expensive ones sell well too, and sets of books. I like to display some of them in a vintage suitcase. You can get three rows, facing out. I do best when I face covers outwards, as that’s the strongest selling point. Books are universally loved, and they don’t have to be THAT old to be collectible. I always pick up well-loved titles, like To Kill a Mockingbird and kid’s classics.
Vintage artwork. Prints or paintings, framed or unframed. Old paint by numbers are very popular. Really pretty frames.
Vintage garden. Old garden tools, flower frogs, old pottery, plant stands, garden decor.
Vintage kitchen. Tools, bowls, cookbooks etc.
Vintage man cave. Tools, old radios, old clocks, outdoor items like old fishing, hunting. Dog stuff.
Setting up your booth: you want a cohesive memorable look to your booth. Group items by category and by color if possible. Put something fantastic at the very front to draw people in.
Logistics: make sure you have a Square or the like, because at least half your sales will be by card. Expect to dicker with at least a third of your customers. I adjust for this by slightly raising my prices….ten or fifteen percent. Be prepared for low-ball offers. I usually counter with a smile and my best price (usually 10-20% off.) Bring plenty of water because dehydration can be a real problem, and have a plan for bathroom breaks.
As far as choosing a show goes….$80 is actually quite reasonable for a well-attended show. I participate in a downtown Portland show that’s $135 for a 10 x 10, and my best show in the summer I pay $300 for a 10 x 20. I always sell over 2 grand at that show in 7 hours, so it’s a worthwhile investment.
If you want to see my set up of a show you can check out our Youtube channel… CharlieandLacysmagicalmercantile. We filmed our entire set up…starting at 5am!
Given the choices you presented, I would lean towards the $80 show to try first.
Hope this helps and please let us know what happens!
03/13/2024 at 11:30 am #102618
@Lacy thanks! Great I will check out your video! We have wine crates easily available here I was thinking to stack as part of the display but they don’t store flat. Looking at other options for height. The $80 show I think will not be as well attended as your Portland show but in the summer will get good traffic I think. It’s not just the $80 it’s all the items I need to set up and the square, etc. I either need to get in or not… I’m an all in kind of person and picky about things. It’s also the time away from listing but I’m really, really intrigued and think I would make a good addition as it is mostly clothing so far. Plus I have a ton of unlisted stuff to bring potentially. I have to admit I picked up a couple of inexpensive display things yesterday at the thrift store so I am leaning this way! I thought I could stain all of them to match after gathering.
One more question – how do you display your art work? I have a lot of unlisted art work, some small and some large.
I have a large and very cool vintage trunk that was my grandparents’. Has all of the European travel stickers. My kids love it. I could use that for some books – good advice.
03/14/2024 at 10:38 am #102625
Spreadsheet updated and Christine took the win this week. Well done!
Wishing you all a great week.
03/15/2024 at 11:17 am #102627
Christine…the wine crates sound like a fabulous idea as you could also pack your merch in them to transport to the show. Great height builders too. I tuck the art here and there in the displays and it is a good draw stacked in a crate or trunk or open suitcase at the front of the booth too.
The more you sell at shows, the less you have to list! 🙂 It’s a great outlet for selling things that would be a pain to ship and I have found it to be a wonderful creative outlet. There’s just something about pulling everything together to create an enticing display.
Another thought…..have some postcards printed on Vistaprint for your Ebay shop and anywhere else you sell online. People will always ask how to find you or if you have a shop, if they like your stuff. I hand out several dozen every show and it’s extremely cheap advertising. It’s a great way to build your brand.
03/15/2024 at 12:50 pm #102628
@Vintagelacy thanks again! Postcards is a great idea vs. business cards. I like that.
03/18/2024 at 10:14 am #102632
67 listings for week ending Mar 17th.
Sales were slow so I’m running a 25% off sale on a majority of my store. That kicked off a flurry of sales that I’m pretty happy about.
I still haven’t touched my March DP. I don’t know what it is about that particular DP, I hate it so much! I’m making it today’s mission to cull at least 5 things from it to either list or donate. I’m going to do it right now.
03/18/2024 at 10:35 am #102633
4 listings for me. I managed to get up some more of the clothes that were modeled for me a year ago. I know, I know. I hate listing women’s clothes.
Julie, someone once told me to consider why something on my TDL was being carried over for weeks. Do I not want to do it? Do I not know how to do it? If I don’t want to, is there a why that would allow me to tackle it, or a person to whom it can be delegated? If I don’t know how, where do I find the information to learn? If none of the above works, then get rid of it. It will never be done and will just stay there and haunt you. It was good advice, but I have one more trick to add that I’ve learned since then: can you break it down into smaller chunks that are less daunting to attempt? Good luck!
03/18/2024 at 11:47 am #102634
Sadly, nothing for me. Working my bookkeeping for the year. How I wish Ebay would add a hidden field for COGS so it would pop up in the spreadsheet. Still, it’s easy work.
All of the local annual rummage sales are pretty much popping up in a row. I went to my favorite church sale and gorged. The garage is looking hoarderish while I work on taxes. Overall, I would say I fell into the too much sourcing trap again in 2023. Pickier sourcing, but not enough listing. Need to right the ship. If selling in person were successful, it would be nice to move a group of things faster.
I’m also distracted with my new business Instagram account and looking at pop up display stuff. Really want to do it this summer but I’m not a half in kind of person…
Did cross-post on two District sites – Niknax and just onboarded to VAMP (Virtual Antique Marketplace). Starting to get a feel for how to play it on Niknax, though it’s flooded and tough to get sales generally. The new one has a much better shopper to seller ratio.
To recap, lots of distractions from Ebay listing and Ebay is punishing me.
03/18/2024 at 1:07 pm #102636
I listed six items again.
My part time job continues to be more than part time, and I’m just not able to list as much as I want to. I have some work tasks that I need to complete today and tomorrow, and maybe then I will free up. Listing on Ruby Lane does take a bit longer as well.
03/19/2024 at 3:11 pm #102654
I managed 20 new listings last week. And hurrah, one listing was from my Jan/Feb DP challenge box! I also sold another DP challenge listing last week – for $5. I really have to be more discerning about what to list and what to donate. It’s totally not worth my time to list anything that ends up selling for so little.
My hubs and I just got back from Santa Fe last night. It was a wonderful, jam packed short vacation. I’m hoping to be at home and in listing mode for a while now, my DP is patiently waiting. Julie B, thanks for the inspiration on tackling your March DP – I’m going to grab a couple of items from my lingering challenge boxes to photograph right now.
Wishing everyone a productive listing week!
03/19/2024 at 11:59 pm #102656
6 listings for me me last week. Took my dad to the beach house to celebrate his 91st birthday. We went to some fun garage sales Saturday, as he still loves to go treasure hunting. Found some great stuff, including an old book chock full of pasted clippings of recipes from newspapers in the 30s-60s. It’s one of a kind so I am going to put it up on auction starting at $45 and see what happens. People love old recipes and I have done well with them in the past.
My show is coming up in a few weeks so I will have to start concentrating more on that, but still plan on listing as much as possible.
03/20/2024 at 4:11 pm #102657
@VL I thought it might be cool to resell fabric and straw shoppers (totes) in the booth. I’ve started picking up a few inexpensive, clean ones.
03/21/2024 at 7:57 am #102659
@ChristineR Have you tried using your SKU field for COGS? I put my COGS in cents at the end of my SKU. So, for example, if my SKU is F142 and I bought the item from a yard sale for $4, I will write Y400 = F142Y400. $4.50 would be Y450, while 75 cents would just be Y75. The letter is whatever code you wish to use: T for thrift store, S for street sale, R for retail arbitrage, etc. They always show the SKU field, so it’s easy to pick up. Plus, you can see at a glance how well a particular sourcing field is working.
Spreadsheet updated. Wow, Julie, you’re killing it this year! All the Honorable Mentions to you! However, VT took the win this week.
03/21/2024 at 1:21 pm #102664
Can you print the sku as part of the year end report? That would work if I didn’t include the letter. Thanks
Justin Resells has new software coming out but you still have to enter everything and it’s probably more analysis than I personally need. I need to find out more. He approved me for the beta
03/21/2024 at 9:17 pm #102667
Christine, I love the idea of selling totes/shoppers in the booth. I also do well with older nicely made wicker baskets. I pick them up every chance I get.
Once you get in booth mode, it opens up a whole new world of picking.
03/22/2024 at 10:43 am #102671
I just finished doing my Cogs and seeing my schedule C. I’m also overflowing with inventory and need to get a handle on things. We have a lot going on outside of eBay but I would love to do booth selling this summer in the hot tourist area.
I had a chat with one of my weekday flea market friends and she said spring is best there. It’s cheaper $35 and you can spread out more but I think the sales would be fewer and prices lower. She does Zelle and cash only and I guess it works out ok.
It’s a fun vibe though at the more curated one in the tourist area. We’ll see if I can get my act together by summer. They have a 6 x 8 for $60 but that would be limited. I don’t like having inventory in my space but I’m starting to see larger items I would like to flip. Just passed on this really cool vintage ship wheel wine rack….
I’m also needing to just have a conversation with myself about pricing. There’s a YouTuber saying “it’s better to get some of the money all of the time than all of the money some of the time”. Since sourcing is not an issue here I really need to adopt this asap.
03/25/2024 at 12:06 pm #102674
63 listings
I listed a little from the death pile of doom. I’m trying to take it one tote bag at a time.
I think being around so much inventory in my ebay room all week long is making me feel very boxed-in as I feel like throwing away 90% of my own belongings. I de-hoarded my nightstand, dresser and bedroom closet this weekend. I put on a Hoarders marathon and got rid of some much stuff! But I also added to my to-be listed pile as I did find several items that should sell decently: a coloring book for nearly $40 and a dvd for $30 were two surprises. I hoping to keep the momentum for awhile because my bathroom and basement are overdue for a complete clear out.
Have a good and profitable week, everyone!
03/25/2024 at 2:16 pm #102676
Zero for me. Finished taxes, got ready for trip, enjoying trip. Next week I have some annual fundraising obligations but I hope to also list on EBay.
03/25/2024 at 2:42 pm #102678
3 new listings for me, ouch. And nothing listed from my DP challenge box last week.
I decided that if I don’t list a total of 20 items in a week I have to donate/throw out enough to make it to 20 items total. So I did get rid of another 17 items last week. Even though I’m falling down on the job of listing my DP challenge items I’m still getting DP items out the door and there’s some solace in that.
Wishing everyone a great week!
03/25/2024 at 6:18 pm #102680
I listed seven. All but one item were part of my death pile of jewelry. I’m not going to be able to finish all the jewelry, so it will have to extend into April.
03/26/2024 at 12:47 am #102681
16 listings for me. Worked through 10 or so DP boxes and priced quite a few things for the show and also decided to donate a bunch. The 16 listings are from those boxes, and one vintage cookbook sold within 12 hours, so that was encouraging.
03/27/2024 at 10:29 am #102686
Attempt #2. My last post got eaten!
Congratulations in amazing listing numbers, Julie. Any tips to share? All the honorable mentions to you!
However, the win goes to Lacy. Congrats!
Spreadsheet updated.
03/27/2024 at 11:45 am #102687
My tip is I’m trying to consistently list 10 items a day. I don’t quite make it as I haven’t hit 70 listings in a week yet but I’m getting close. I’ve been photographing in the day and listing on my laptop in front of the tv at night. I try to have several extra listings ready to go in my drafts for those days when I know I won’t be able to list. I’ve heard a few influencers say they try to have 2 weeks worth of drafts ready to go at any given time and I just don’t see how I could ever that that many! At most I’ve had maybe 7 drafts.
03/27/2024 at 4:20 pm #102694
It’s definitely working for you, Julie. Thanks for sharing!
03/30/2024 at 11:07 am #102717
@Vintage Lacy I’m super excited to try a vintage market. We continue to have rain here but the tourist season is coming. I’m so distracted by looking at display equipment and trying to pick it up discounted. I’m also trying to get a sense of the pricing I could do vs. Ebay so I don’t blow it. If I did it regularly, I would probably start trying out the bins and garage sales for sourcing so I could source some things more affordably. I have bought a few vintage display items and a couple of bigger than a breadbox things to sell. So I’m feeling like I may go for it in May or June. I could start with the 6×6 but that doesn’t seem like a lot of space. Ikea has a cool plant stand that would be awesome but they won’t ship it. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/daksjus-plant-stand-bamboo-20567011/
04/01/2024 at 9:12 am #102732
For the last week of March I managed 19 new listings. To reach my 20 “dealt with” goal I purged one loser from my listed inventory. As I continue to approach 1,000 listings this is a good strategy for me – I don’t want to pay any additional listing fees on top of my store fees.
Despite being woefully behind in my first three challenge boxes for 2024 I pulled my April box. And it’s insane. I must be a natural magician to be able to fit that many items in one box. Sigh.
Wishing everyone a great listing week!
04/01/2024 at 10:02 am #102736
29 listings for week ending March 31st. I had one of those weeks where I was just down in the dumps, which happens every once in awhile so I didn’t get much done. I’m much better now.
I barely made a dent in my March deathpile so I’m going to break it up into smaller pieces. For April I’m challenging myself to do just one bag from the pile. All the bags in the pile are Ikea-sized bags. They’re great bags for taking stuff to the post office but they can also hold a lot of unlisted inventory and when I’m absent mindedly tossing stuff into them to deal with later, it adds up.
04/01/2024 at 11:34 am #102740
I made just two listings. Oof. My goal is to clear some recently acquired things. I have like 35 listings that just need pictures. I may try scheduling those to go daily this week. Unfortunately the death piles will have to wait for me. My daughter is back at school today and I have high hopes.
04/01/2024 at 11:42 am #102742
I listed 13 items. Not bad for me.
My goal for April is the rest of the jewelry that I wasn’t able to get to in March.
04/01/2024 at 8:58 pm #102750
36 listings for me. They were all similar items so it went fast, for once. Still going on my DP boxes and pulling out fun things I forgot I had. That’s the fun part!
Christine I am so excited for you! As far as space goes, 6 x 6 isn’t very big. Is it under cover or out in the sun? If you are going to put the work in, you might as well go a little bit bigger? I agree, pricing is important. You might have to try it a couple of times to get a feel for the market. One of the best things about the Oregon City market we do in August, is that people will pay good prices for unusual vintage. I do like that plant stand from Ikea. It would be a great display piece.
On a lark we hit the bins on Friday and scored big. I can never remember how to post pictures here or I would post one. We’ve had terrible luck at the this particular location in the past, so my husband convinced me to give it another try and I am sure glad we did. For some reason there weren’t other vintage dealers there so we found two full carts of great stuff. Most of it will go to Brookhaven, and some to our mall space when we switch out Easter tomorrow. And some into the to-be-listed box, of course.
Next week we start set up on Brookhaven, so that’s our focus this week.
04/02/2024 at 11:14 am #102756
@VL I will be getting a 10×10 canopy for my Mothers Day present. It would be potentially hot uncovered. Our weather has been wacky and rainy for us, but soon we will be into the high 70s-80s. The organizer is very friendly and he said I could go to a spot along the fence so I can put up large art that I don’t want to ship. He even has easels I can borrow. Depending on the turnout I might be able to get more than the 10×10 allotted.
I’ll have a chance to attend a couple Saturdays this month and check out others’ pricing if I do things in May. My friend brought up a good point that the young people are hunting the clothes mainly. They might like some of my linens and smalls. Should be some tourists too by the time I go. Then this is an area where a lot of young professionals hang out – wineries, craft breweries, etc. So I don’t have a handle yet on who’s shopping there. My flea market friend – a little German lady – told me to be able to let things go… 🙂
One more question if you will bear with me. I’m trying to decide about price tags. I’d like to track what’s selling and either remove the tag at check out or do a tag that will rip in half – with price and description x 2 stuck on the back. Someone on Youtube had business cards (with shop and insta info) done with two sides and I could just cut half off at checkout and the buyer could take home the other side with info. How are you doing things? This might be too much work and maybe I should just jot it down during slow times and give out cards. I also like the idea of having some types of items at a generic price with a clip on sign.
04/08/2024 at 12:42 am #102778
15 listings for me this week. Brookhaven set up starts on Thursday and I’ve been concentrating on that.
I had an Amazon Seller experience that I am still reeling from. I’ve been selling on Amazon for 16 years and I mainly sell items that I buy wholesale directly from manufacturers. One of my competitors, who sells the same exact items from a specific company, decided to file a charge against me to Amazon for selling COUNTERFEIT items. Amazon takes any claim of counterfeit very VERY seriously, and they immediately pulled my listing and gave me 72 hours to prove that what I am selling is NOT counterfeit, or they’d shut down my selling privileges permanently.
It was terrifying. 60% of my online income comes from Amazon so this was a really big deal. Fortunately I am good friends with the VP of the specific company where the item in question comes from. I’ve been buying from them for 20 years. She was able to intervene on my behalf, and force this competitor to file a retraction of the counterfeit claim with Amazon.
I’m left feeling shell shocked. And wondering how many other competitors she’s done this to. I also wonder what would have happened if my friend had been unavailable on vacation or something like that. Who knows?
04/08/2024 at 9:24 am #102780
Omg that would be terrifying! I sometimes think about how Ebay can shut down my account at any time and how that would be like ripping the rug out from under me.
I’m glad you have it settled.
04/08/2024 at 12:54 am #102779
I am so glad to hear that you are getting a canopy. We have two and they are truly a Godsend. At our August show we always see a few other vendors without canopies and they always look so miserable!
A good friend used to share my booth with me but she decided to retire from booth shows and just do my Brookhaven show. When we shared a booth we always took off tags, so we could track our sales. Now that it’s just Charlie and I in the booth I don’t do that anymore, but I think it would be a good idea for you while you are still learning the market. I think just taking tags off is the easiest. I had a cigar box that I kept them in. I do think it’s important to write a brief description on each tag…it helps you and it also gives the customer more information. The MOST important thing is to actually tag everything. You’d be amazed how many booths don’t bother! People really do hate having to ask prices, so it’s a bad business practice. I think it’s okay to have a basket of $5 items with a sign, as long as you have a sign. It’s a personal pet peeve of mine.
04/08/2024 at 9:27 am #102781
61 listings. I think I could have broken my listing record but we started binge watching Shogun on Hulu which is mostly in Japanese. I can’t list and read subtitles at the same time. We are caught up on the episodes so hopefully this week I’ll be able to beat my listing record.
Even with all those listings, my DP still sits largely untouched. I’m going to go thru one bag right NOW and put most of it into the donate bag.
Have a great week, everyone!
04/08/2024 at 12:13 pm #102782
I only listed two items.
However, I did go through all the jewelry from my neighbor/commission. I donated a large number of items that were not damaged, but I did not want to bother selling. This took quite some time because I had to match up earrings and check each item to make sure it wasn’t gold or silver.
I now have a box of items good enough to sell, and I will work on those throughout this month. I also have a bag of damaged items, and I’ll probably lot that up as an arts & crafts bag.
I still have a box of costume jewelry left from an auction lot that I bought in July of last year. That might be for next month unless I can really hustle it up.
04/08/2024 at 12:16 pm #102783
20 new listings for me, two were from my Jan/Feb/March/April DP challenge boxes. I made a pact with myself that I’d list three items last week from my challenge boxes – but that agreement was made before Xcel shut off our power on Saturday afternoon.
Xcel Energy is now being sued over the 1,300 homes that burned a couple of years ago in my town. So due to high winds over the weekend they shut down power to a lot of my area as a precaution. The power just came back on this morning and now I’m working on cleaning up and throwing out all the spoiled and melted items in my refrigerator and freezer.
I did manage to sort out a few boxes of unlisted inventory so I also have a bag of items to donate. I used the time without power to dig through boxes with a headlamp on, so I guess that was the silver lining of not having electricity.
Wishing everyone a great week!
04/09/2024 at 10:58 am #102791
I made 14 new listings. Mainly this was my RA from the Target Magnolia winter-spring transition line that is now sold out. Did list a few things from my recently acquired items sitting around the desk. It felt good to get back to listing and Ebay decided I could have a few sales. I hope to find a few pockets of time during this week. Next week should be much better.
@VL yes I will price everything and thanks for your input. I ordered some tags with my info but I think you are right that it would be easier to remove them. If it’s a better dollar item I might leave it on and write it down. Then I have heard that $5 baskets do really well for sellers at these events. I bought a few clip on signs for those and the fabric / woven shopper bag racks. The middle stuff I intend to type up sticker labels with a description to put on the paper tags. That way I could adjust prices by either reprinting or marking them down with a pen. I’m a very fast typist and printable white labels are always easy to pick up at the thrift store.
I’m glad I have a lot of time to prepare. I’m picking up metal display racks pretty easily and inexpensively. I think I might use some heavy cardboard produce boxes to keep things off the ground and haul. There are trunks listed for $35 on FB marketplace so if it goes well I’ll pick up a couple of those probably. Looking for some inexpensive wooden crates. Having fun watching videos of set ups and not finding much about pricing. Some people said there is a 3x your cost rule, some say 3-4x. I plan to go down to a bigger sale about an hour away in North LA in May and that should give me a good idea. I watched your husband walk around one of your indoor shows on Youtube. 🙂 There is a lot of coverage of the Palm Springs vintage market. I like how one vendor used a lot of trays on a table to place things on. I plan to use solid tablecloths in the same color but will find a way to work in prints that I love here and there.
04/12/2024 at 11:46 am #102829
Vintage Lacy took the win last week, congrats.
Last week was the final stop at my epic shop hop road trip. 106 stores, almost 7,000 miles – what an adventure. Now I need to get back into the groove and get back to work.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
04/15/2024 at 8:11 am #102842
106 shops! Holy smokes, Amatino. How long did it take?
I got 51 items listed this week.
Last week as soon as I posted my weekly numbers here I attacked a bag in my current death pile and completed or donated everything in that bag so I’m going to try doing that again today. Some bonuses from doing that are I now have an ikea bag freed up that I can use for taking stuff to the post office and I found a missing tape measure! At one time I had 3 but have been down to one for ages. I’m constantly looking for it so I like having more than one around.
04/15/2024 at 8:43 am #102845
16 days, although it was spread over 6 weeks. We did a road trip each week. I tried to do it over the weekend, so Friday to Saturday up to Friday to Monday, in order to be home for work days. One week I had to do a Monday to Friday and one week was a Wednesday to Friday, due to the shop hours. Total cost of the trip worked out to about $3,500 for car rental, gas, hotels, and meals. There were two of us, and we split the cost equally, so not too bad.
Congrats on getting a bag done!
04/15/2024 at 11:12 am #102847
04/15/2024 at 12:54 pm #102848
Welp, only 4 listings and some drafts. I’m delighted the fundraiser is over and it was better than last year. Need to get Ebay into gear again. I have a lot of recently purchased items to list, so sadly no death pile progress. The annual realtor neighborhood garage sale is coming up and I have to decide if there is another layer I should shed and if I will ever get our better used clothing listed online. I have to sort some things for the live selling after, so might have a small sale.
04/15/2024 at 12:58 pm #102849
@Sharyn. It was a quilter’s shop hop, so all quilt shops all over texas.
I wasn’t looking for anything in particular but I did, of course, find things to buy. I tried to consider carefully what I would buy each time, and with one exception, think I did very well. The exception was fabric recommended by my traveling companion and I regretted buying it almost immediately it was cut. For everything else, I think I got some great items and I was very happy.
04/15/2024 at 8:25 pm #102853
04/17/2024 at 9:10 am #102864
11 new listings for me last week.
After Xcel turned our electricity back on last Monday we found out a close friend had died earlier that morning. His wife is disabled so that’s been a worry. My husband also has had a health issue – which thankfully has finally been diagnosed.
With losing all the food in our fridge/freezer, my spouse’s health issue, our friend’s death, his wife’s situation and the loss of time to be able to do much of anything with our power off it’s taken me a bit to get back into the swing of things. But I’m finally there and I have a new plan to get moving on eBay. Fingers crossed!
Wishing everyone a productive week!
04/17/2024 at 10:49 am #102866
Lacy must be very busy with her new Show, so the winner last week was VT, congrats. That’s with an impressive Honorable to Julie. You’re really winning at this game, Jules!
04/22/2024 at 12:50 pm #102897
21 listings for me. I’m hoping this workweek is really good and then I’m gone on a weekend trip. I need to clear all the stuff inside the house in particular because we have – ugh – a three toddler family coming to visit us for a few days the following week.
04/22/2024 at 2:57 pm #102899
53 listings up. Looking back at the weekly spreadsheet and I’ve only hit my 10 listings a day goal once all year so I need to refocus my efforts at little more.
Today I finished emptying one of the TJ maxx totes from my deathpile of doom that has been haunting me for years from the corner of the room. I didn’t allow myself to post here today until I got everything in that tote either photographed, tossed or donated. Now “all” that is left in that corner of doom is 1 scary Ikea bag full of stuff, a rubbermaid tote that I think only has a few large items in it and then 6 random items scattered around the perimeter.
04/22/2024 at 3:25 pm #102900
Wow, Julie! Very impressive work on your DPs! Good job!!!
I managed 16 listings last week. I’m hoping to get some DP challenge box listings up this week. Anticipating that I’ll be picking another box for May soon is making me realize I’ve got to get to work on my previous boxes ASAP.
Wishing everyone a great week!
04/22/2024 at 3:52 pm #102901
I listed 16 items last week. All are from the jewelry that I’ve been working on for March & April.
I am coming to the end of that DP, and then I will only have the items in a jewelry box I bought in an online auction last summer. That might be my May challenge.
04/22/2024 at 9:28 pm #102903
Great job Julie and Sharyn! I’ve veered very off course and purchased too much. With any luck though, I will unload some death pile items when live selling this summer.
04/23/2024 at 1:33 pm #102909
Lacy was AFK again last week, still busy with her Show probably, so the winner was Julie! Well, consider the numbers, it would have been if she wasn’t on Honorable status! What great numbers you’re hitting!
Last week’s winner was Vintage Treasures. Good going, VT!
ChristineR 3 toddlers? I would be in a flat panic! 😀
Congrats on clearing your space, Julie! That must feel fantastic for you. All of you ladies have been productive this year. Me – not on eBay. I’ve been working like a crazy person on clearing paperwork (hello Tax Season) and on clearing my sewing room and rebuilding that space into a functional work space. While I will be continuing in eBay in a much-reduced capacity, I will be working to develop my quilting business. Dearly Beloved built me new storage units for my space; a cutting table with so! much! storage! and a pressing table with even more storage. I still need to sew up the pressing mat to go on top. Both are on wheels.
And my longarm is now correctly positioned and cleared, with more storage underneath.
I will be going to a longarm class on May 1st and 2nd and already have orders for quilting. It’s a new and exciting opportunity that will allow me to exercise more creativity, with less hassles. No more shipping, or fighting with returns. Difficult customers, maybe, but Himself has given me permission to choose my customers, I don’t have to work with any that are going to give me a hard time just to make ends meet.
Once I have the room set up and have been to class, I’ll be splitting my time fairly evenly between eBay and the Quilting business. I will be making quilting products to sell, as well as taking orders for custom quilting. Anyone have any suggestions for what to call the new business? Something fun and cheerful.
04/24/2024 at 8:24 am #102917
@Amatino yes I’m panicking. So much to do.
I wish I had seen your post a day before. Monday there was a huge fabric sale that wasn’t successful and they were doing $2 fill a paper grocery bag. Many. many fat quarters just lying there. I would have sent them to you! I went in looking for barkcloth but I guess someone had been on full price day and grabbed all of that.
04/25/2024 at 12:49 pm #102937
Howdy, y’all, I have been busy with my show the past two weeks, so put me down with zeros.
The show went like a dream….easy set up, lots and lots of happy customers who spent more than they usually do, and the smoothest shortest tear down ever. Seriously, it couldn’t have been much better. Great weather too.
Getting ready for my next big thing in May, which I can’t talk much about but I will be not able to check in as much as I would like. Hoping to get some listings done before then, as my sales have tanked recently and I know it’s because I am not listing.
Just a quick check in for now…..will be back to comment more.
05/01/2024 at 1:12 pm #103050
What happened to everyone?
Another week of zero listings for me…too much else going on, but mostly working on good things. Went to a crazy rummage sale on Saturday where I may or may not have run amok. 35 vintage salt/pepper shakers at a buck each! It was nuts!
05/01/2024 at 6:16 pm #103057
11 listings for me. I love love rummage sales. The best picking! Organized and serious volume plus good prices. Sign me up. I have a small school one this weekend.
VL live selling prep is a lot of work. I’ve been hanging and washing. Will start sorting and tagging tomorrow. The toddlers pulled out today. They did me a favor as now I will sort everything in the garage. We had to remove a ton of stuff from the house, including my recent unlisted Ebay purchases.
05/01/2024 at 8:10 pm #103058
20 new listings for me last week. I totally forgot to report here, so thanks VL for reminding me.
I’ve started a new routine of 2 hours of eBay listing every weekday and at least 20 items listed per week. I’m hoping that will get me into listing more DP challenge items – I’ve not done very well at that this year.
Despite having two full DP challenge boxes still to list I pulled another box for May which looks interesting.
Wishing everyone a great week!
05/01/2024 at 8:36 pm #103059
11 new listings for me.
I almost made it to the end of my DP. I still have a bag of stuff I want to list in groups; I can probably break it down into 2 – 3 listings. I will do that this month along with another group of jewelry that hasn’t been lying around quite as long, but still needs to be listed.
05/02/2024 at 6:29 pm #103062
Sorry, I forgot to post. I had 34 listings last week.
I am currently traveling. I left my store on but with vacation mode/extended handling turned on and I had 10 sales on the first day! It has slowed considerably since then and I’m currently at 14 sales that I’ll have to ship once I get home. I’ve been messaging my buyers to let them know about the extended handling. Everyone has been really cool about it and no one has yet requested to cancel. I love making money when I’m on vacation.
05/06/2024 at 9:33 am #103081
@ChristineR That’s so kind of you, thank you!
@Vintage Lacy Congrats on having a great show. I’m glad things picked up for you! Can’t wait to hear what you’re up to this month. Do you find that salt/pepper shakers sell well? I got a whole bunch of them and they have just sat in my store with no interest at all. I thought they were cute, too, not plain ones but interesting ones like gingerbread houses.
@Sharyn Almost at the end of your DP? What is this? I don’t think this is in my vocabulary! 😀 Wow, what an achievement. I dream of the day I get to say that! LOL. Congratulations!I have finally come to the end of my travels and away-from-home training. From now on, the training is online and at my own pace, so I can get back to work. I hope to start posting numbers soon.
Spreadsheet for last week has been updated and VT took the win. Well done, VT!
05/06/2024 at 9:47 am #103082
Again I’m very shocked that 20 listings wins the week but I’ll take it! I guess with VL busy with other selling venues and Julie B unable to win due to winning last year I’m being helped out a lot – LOL.
20 new listings again for me last week. I am starting to delve into my challenge box backlog, finally. I’m pleased with how my 2 hours of work on eBay each weekday is starting to make a difference there.
Wishing everyone a productive week!
05/06/2024 at 11:12 am #103085
Great job everyone on the DPs.
I got sick after our toddler family visit was over mid-week (wife was sick after flight + Disney with a virus). Fortunately my family did not get sick and I tested negative for Covid. Plus, I dragged myself to an outdoor rummage sale and neighborhood sale. Did not go nuts but not helping my DPs.
Listed 2 items yesterday and have a few more that need photos. I’m not live selling until May, so hoping to keep sales coming in April with some good listing. My sales are up since tax day. Woo hoo.
05/06/2024 at 6:14 pm #103088
I listed 9 items. I have about 18 listings that just need photos, so next week’s number should be good.
@Amatino – I should have said that I was near the end of my jewelry DP that was my challenge starting in March I think. Don’t you worry; after that is complete, I’ve plenty more where that came from. 🥴 -
05/07/2024 at 8:45 am #103092
0 for me. Today I get home from my 8 day trip. I had 37 items sell while I was away! Fortunately approx 30 of those are clothing so shipping won’t be too much of a nightmare. I’m really happy so much sold. My total revenue for the week wasn’t that much less than a typical week when my store isn’t on vacation so that was a surprise. None of my buyers requested to cancel when I messaged them regarding the extended shipping/ebay store being on vacation mode. I guess Ebay must be making that more clear up front prior to the buyer making their purchase.
05/13/2024 at 11:46 am #103157
I’ve been sick and basically in bed all week. Went to the urgent care and it’s nothing notable with no help from antibiotics. Just wait it out. Today is day 11 and I’m improved and able to get a few things done and then rest. I’m excited for tomorrow. I think I may be up for sitting and starting listings a bit today. I’ve been shipping out. Sales are ok.
05/13/2024 at 2:20 pm #103166
Sorry to hear that the visit from the toddler triple threat did a number on you Christine. Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better though.
20 new listings for me. I got a few challenge box items listed and sold last week and I’m hoping to get more of those items listed this week.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
05/13/2024 at 3:46 pm #103167
10 listings for me.
I had a sourcing honey hole for the last 3 1/2 months but it dried up yesterday. I’m devastated! I was profiting almost $1k/month just from the stuff I was getting from that one spot. Everything was cheap, new, easy to list, quick to sell and with consistently great profit margins. But the liquidator changed their business model. I’m hoping they will reconsider soon.
05/13/2024 at 9:51 pm #103169
I listed 13 items. I didn’t get all the items photographed that I wanted to, so I will work on that for this week.
@ChristineR – That really put you out for some time. Colds usually don’t last that long unless you had more than one virus? Glad you are getting better.-
05/14/2024 at 9:31 am #103171
@Sharon I know right? I took a turn for the worse 3-4 days ago so I went to urgent care. Could have been two things. The mom was having flu like symptoms while staying here, which I had in the beginning and then it went up to my head. I did go outdoor sourcing in between and could have caught something I guess. My husband had the flu this Spring and the cough especially lasted a long time. I think some things might be getting more potent. Thankfully, I’m improving now. Just frustrating. Super glad I’m retired from my day job.
Sorry about Ruby Lane, that’s frustrating!
@Julie – bummer!
05/20/2024 at 10:51 am #103191
Just 1 new listing for me and 1 day’s worth of sell similar on ending. Still recovering from being sick and slept a lot.
05/20/2024 at 1:46 pm #103192
I listed 0.
I actually have about eight listings ready to go, but I decided to hold back. I had more than normal sales last week due to an increase in listings the week before. I realized that I would prefer not to get lots of sales in the next week or two due to family & work stuff, so I am holding off. In a couple of weeks, I’ll be listing quite a bit, and I’ll be at a point where I can handle the shipping a week or so later.
That’s the beauty of eBay.
05/20/2024 at 3:41 pm #103193
33 listings. I surprised myself, I thought that maybe I’d listed 10.
Have a nice week, everyone!
05/22/2024 at 8:46 am #103199
20 new listings for me, 8 were from my lingering challenge boxes, I’m pleased about that.
We had house guests earlier this week, so I’m behind where I’d like to be on listing this week, but hopefully I’ll be able to make up the time.
Wishing everyone a productive week!
05/24/2024 at 6:24 pm #103209
So sorry, folks! I’ve had so much on my plate just lately and I didn’t realize it had been so long since I posted.
Christine, VT, and Lacy have all been logging wins, as Julie is Honorably disqualified *wink* and the total points for the 20 weeks to date are Christine with 5, Lacy with 6-1/2, and VT with 8-1/2. Spreadsheet available here, if you want to check your progress. Congrats to you all.
Wishing you all a happy Memorial Day weekend. My thanks to those who served and who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. May we never forget.
05/29/2024 at 1:31 pm #103221
Greetings everyone!
I can finally talk about this crazy month of May. It started with my mom getting pneumonia and spending a week in the hospital…she’s home now and on oxygen and slowly recovering. After that she spent three weeks with my brother in Seattle because Charlie and I went on our long-awaited honeymoon to England!
It was a wonderful trip, which included Portobello Road, a car boot sale (crazy fun), Brick Lane Road Market, and many charity shops. We brought some great treasures home and left even more behind we could have bought had we had more suitcases. We had a day layover in Iceland and swam in the Blue Lagoon…one of the most incredible experiences. All in all, just an awesome adventure….such a luxury to have two and half weeks!
Now we’re back home and trying to get back on track. I came home with a nasty cold, so have been not doing much other than shipping yesterday. Plan to get right back in the swing of things and get some listings accomplished. That is the hope.
05/29/2024 at 6:17 pm #103227
VLacy – the honeymoon sounds amazing!
42 listings.
05/29/2024 at 7:57 pm #103228
20 new listings for me – now that we don’t have to post on Monday I keep forgetting to post! I’m doing better on getting my challenge box items listed – so I feel good about that.
VL: I’m glad to hear the Blue Lagoon is open! I was afraid the volcano eruption might have closed it down. I’m going to Iceland in July and that’s where we plan to go the minute we arrive.
Wishing everyone a great week!
05/31/2024 at 1:17 pm #103236
VT….the volcano erupted again on Wednesday and everything is shut down again for who knows how long. Two of the three roads that lead to the town closest to it and the airport (!!!!) have been covered in lava flow. When it first erupted in March the Blue Lagoon was shut down due to the roads to it being covered in lava. They had to construct a new road (which we drove over) and they have also built lava rock berm barriers to help keep the lava flow away from the two towns affected by it. We drove by those. We saw people out climbing among the lava…which is crazy dangerous because there is still molten lava under the cooler top layer and there are places where the crust is very thin and one could easily fall through into the molten lava. Our driver told me that they had lost one worker because a sinkhole opened up under him and he went down 30 meters and they couldn’t find him. It’s all very savage and interesting.
We consider ourselves extremely lucky to have had the experience. The Blue Lagoon had only been open a few weeks before our visit. Who knows when it will open again. I hope things settle down and you are able to experience it in July!
There’s a live feed on Youtube from AP that shows the live volcano and lava. It’s fascinating to watch.
05/31/2024 at 5:03 pm #103237
Oh boy, I have a friend with a planned vacation to Iceland at the end of June. Sounds like this will affect some of her plans.
06/03/2024 at 10:04 am #103247
30 listings for week ended June 2.
I emptied a death pile bin that was in my basement. It wasn’t one I was intending to work on but I had to organize my basement a little bit and that bin had only a few very large items which I decided to just donate. I still have this horrible DP in the corner of my eBay room and I think I’m going to just bin it up and put it in the basement or donate it because I just can’t seem to get through it.
06/03/2024 at 12:01 pm #103248
VL: thanks for the info on the Iceland volcano, I did see that it had erupted again right after I posted about going there. I have my fingers crossed that the Blue Lagoon will be open when we’re there but we have chosen alternative thermal spots to soak in case the Blue Lagoon is closed again while we’re there.
20 new listings for me for the week ending June 2nd.
I made a plan to work more hours on my challenge box listings in June and I hope to see that come to fruition. I have been selling some of my challenge box items lately so that’s been a good motivator.
Wishing everyone a productive week!
06/03/2024 at 12:16 pm #103249
3 listings for me. Glad to have a number, finally, but had hoped for more. It took me longer than I had hoped to get over the nasty bug I brought back from the trip but feel better as of now. Christine, sorry that your illness took so long to recover from. I get it!
06/03/2024 at 4:51 pm #103250
Zero again, but for good reason.
I just came back from a 10 day trip to Scotland. It was awesome! My daughter spent her last semester at the University of Edinburgh, so we arranged to have a vacation and then come back on the same day. She was on a different flight, so we still have to pickup her up this evening.
I guess it will be back to normal now, but I do have a head start. I have a few drafts ready to go, and then I have to list all my Ruby Lane items on eBay. I’ll have a head start on those because the photos are done, but the listings will require adjustments.
06/03/2024 at 4:59 pm #103251
Zero for me. I was working on the prep and live booth selling this week.
I need to step up on Ebay listing and make some money! I do feel motivated.
I did pull out some death piles for the live show. I had a whole box of playing cards that I’m not excited to list. Bought them eons ago. Some large pottery vases, vintage tablecloths. From the Mercari boxes some of my daughter’s cast off clothing. Sold a few things.
I am selling again on Saturday but hope to do much more listing on Ebay before then. A lot of the prep is done for the Saturday booth now.
@VL hope you feel better very soon! Happy for everyone who has been traveling. I am taking my daughter to Nashville and possibly New Orleans for graduation this month.
06/05/2024 at 10:53 am #103290
Wow, Lacy, that sounds like a fantastic trip! Soooo jealous and thrilled for you that you managed to get the time away. I was just reading a novel lately about old lava and the dangers of walking on it. In the novel, as the lava was thousands of years old, the folks were just trapped in a hole. I shudder to imagine falling into molten lava. Horrible! Sorry to hear you were sick.
VT took the win for week ending 5/27. You’re right, it’s very confusing trying to work a week back! LOL. Congrats, VT.
Julie, sometimes just letting go is the best way to clear DPs. I’ve started to do that, just give them away. The mental stress of having them sit over me is not worth the hassle of listing or, in some cases, shipping. Of course, I always check comps to make sure I’m not getting rid of something high dollar! 😁
Wow, all these folks visiting the UK. You know how jealous I am, right? I need to get back there! Sharyn, my family history is in Scotland. My aunt worked on our family genealogy for decades and managed to trace us back to 1208 in Scotland. The first time we visited Scotland, I turned to the driver and said “we’re in Scotland!” He looked startled and said that yes, we had just passed the border marker, but how did I know? I don’t know, I just did. It felt like home. It was a little weird. 😉
My penultimate dance show is this Friday and I’m sewing frantically for it. By the end of the week, I will be shattered! LOL. However, I’m hoping this means that I will be freed up to whirlwind myself into a demented listing mania that will clear out my DPs and (hopefully) shotgun my sales into the stratosphere. I have some very expensive plans for the end of the year!
Wishing you all a great week!
06/10/2024 at 11:07 am #103343
2 for me. I did create a lot of drafts that need photos.
06/10/2024 at 11:22 am #103344
20 new listings for me last week. I met my self-imposed goal of listing five challenge box clothing items plus five challenge box non-clothing items last week. So I listed a total of 10 challenge box items last week, along with ten other easier to list items.
I feel great about meeting my goal, it’s good to finally be listing more of my challenge box items! I’m hoping to continue listing more challenge box items again this week. Fingers crossed!
Wishing everyone a productive listing week!
06/10/2024 at 11:39 am #103345
10 listings for me. This week should be even better.
06/10/2024 at 4:26 pm #103346
Congrats to VT for another win last week! That’s excellent. And well done on meeting your goals too!
Zero for me last week as I finished out the week with my dance Show and some serious sewing challenges. The dancers pulled some last minute issues out of their hats and I was thrown for a major loop. I ended up sewing one of my own costume skirts on the morning of the show! It was horrendous timing, but the Show went really well and everyone had a blast! So much fun and laughter. We had a friend take photos and she has created a sample album of the photos she took. I hope you can view it:
06/10/2024 at 9:41 pm #103347
I listed 8 new items and 3 relisted from Ruby Lane. Between hand-saving all the photos and write up from RL and then creating new listings on eBay, I hope I can count those as new listings, but I will take Amatino’s ruling on that. I hope to list most of the RL listings this week, so my numbers should be high next week (if they count). A good amount of that work was started before I went on vacation.
@Christine R – I saw the photos from your booth this past weekend. It looks really professional and nicely set up. I’m glad to hear that you did well and looks like you are on your way to another source of business.
@VL – Glad to hear you are better and back on the listing wagon! I hope your mother has recovered.
@VT – Yay for meeting challenges! My friend, who has a trip planned to Iceland at the end of this month, said that her plans are for Sky Lagoon instead of Blue Lagoon, but I’m sure you are aware of the different options.
@Amatino – Your dancing photos are always so fun! What a neat passion to have; everyone seems to be having such a good time! -
06/11/2024 at 1:06 pm #103349
39 listings for me.
We’re entering the dog days of summer early this year. Hopefully that will keep me inside, in the air conditioning listing, listing, listing.
06/11/2024 at 5:48 pm #103351
Wow, Julie, if you weren’t Honorable Mention this year, you’d be wiping the floor with us! However, VT took the week’s win again, 7th week in a row. Congrats, VT.
@Sharyn, if you’ve practically started the listing over again from RL, so it’s like a new listing, I would say it counts. The double listing rule would be for someone who uses an app that cross-posts to various platforms, meaning they do the work once, but end up with multiple listings. For example, I list on eBay and Bonanza pulls all those listings for me. I don’t count any of the Bonanza listings unless I specifically list it on Bonanza and not on eBay. I acknowledge the work that goes into a listing, you deserve the credit for it. However, it’s kind of an honesty policy – you get to decide if the work you do would count as a new listing or if it was just a tweak. I put you down for 11 for last week’s number. -
06/12/2024 at 10:27 am #103352
@Sharon ty! It’s fun. Will just be for the summer though I think. Maybe a Christmas pop up. Works well because Ebay is slow in summer but it’s tourist season on the ground here. I hope to shed some death piles that way this summer.
06/17/2024 at 2:23 pm #103373
22 listings for me this week. Back on track and it feels good!
Sharyn…your Scotland trip sounds fabulous. We really want to get there on our next trip. It’ll be awhile though. Crikey, the honeymoon was crazy expensive, even though we tried really really hard to be frugal. It gives us something to work towards.
Christine…your booth looks amazing and so professional. Now that you’ve put in the preliminary work it will be smooth sailing from now on. We’re doing an indoor booth the end of this month. We’ve done this show a couple times before and the traffic wasn’t great so we’ll give it one more shot. They’ve hired a marketing firm to promote the show, so hopefully it brings a bunch more traffic through.
Amatino….I know what you mean about knowing you were in Scotland and feeling like you had come home. The first time I went to London in 1990, when I stepped off the train in Victoria Station I had very much the same feeling. It felt like home. My maternal grandmother was English so I do have English roots. It was a strange fascinating feeling.
Julie and VT…you really are the listing queens this year. Congrats on being so consistent! Rock stars both of you!
06/17/2024 at 8:32 pm #103374
I also listed 22 items this week! I would say that most are Ruby Lane re-lists. I decided to push them out over a few weeks, so some are still scheduled and will count for next week.
In the meantime, I’m planning to list larger items in my death piles. I have purchases from the past few months plus other death piles, but I want to get the large items out of the way.
06/18/2024 at 10:16 am #103378
I think I managed to get one listing done. I am sitting here enjoying not dragging my teen out of bed and getting her to school for the second day in a row. Last week was super busy and stressful. Ahhhh. Just some medical appointments this week. I started a 25% off sale and have 5 items to ship out today. Lots of things just need pictures. I have a few July 4th linens and some PB seashell duvets. Need to get crackin’. My daughter took some photos for me last summer but I’m hoping she gets a regular job. Fingers crossed.
06/18/2024 at 11:29 am #103380
20 new listings for me – 25% were challenge box listings, so at least I’m still working on those. My unlisted challenge box items are now down to 50 – although some of those may end up as multiple separate listings. Still it feels good to be under triple digits left to list (at least until I pull my July box – lol!).
VL – Thanks for the congrats about listing consistency. I find it works well for me to have quick to list items on hand as well as DP items, That way if my week is a busy one I can still list 20 easy to list items.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
06/25/2024 at 9:59 am #103437
Good morning, y’all. I was on vacation last week to Clearwater Beach. Before leaving I listed 29 items for the week of June 10-16. I listed 0 for the week June 17-23.
Prior to leaving for vacation my husband and I deep cleaned our house for 11 hours! My ebay room looks pretty amazing. Most of the unlisted inventory is now located in my basement. I think it will help me to have it out of the way so that it won’t overwhelm me again. I’ll bring up a little bit at a time to work on.
My favorite sourcing honey hole closed down while I was on vacation. It was one of those liquidation bin stores. For some reason that store got the most amazing clothing, unlike most every other store of that type. It accounted for 30% of my profit so far this year and it was a really quick place to source a lot of inventory. So now I’ll have to hustle quite a bit more to make up for that. 🙁
06/25/2024 at 10:26 am #103445
Wow Julie an 11 hour clean with two people working, that’s impressive! I’m glad you got your inventory buttoned up. Sorry to hear about your great sourcing spot closing.
20 new listings for me last week. None were from the challenge boxes. And in less than a week I’ll be pulling another box for July. Yikes!
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
06/25/2024 at 11:32 am #103449
I listed 16 items last week. All but one were relisted Ruby Lane inventory. I’m about done with that.
My challenge this month is to list some larger death pile items. I have about five ready to go and one that needs to be created. After that, I have to organize my auction buys from this past weekend because I do not have room in the unlisted inventory area.
06/25/2024 at 12:43 pm #103453
Hey y’all! Last week of the first half of the year!
Winner for week ending 6/17 was a tie to Sharyn and Lacy. Congrats, you two!
3 listings for me. Two weeks back I decided to create a listing habit by listing one item per weekday. I made it that first week with 5 listings up, but last week had 2 rambunctious days that knocked me out of play. I’m back at it this week. I’ve also started doing a daily End & Sell Similar of 10 listings, which I’m using as an opportunity to do an inventory check. I actually pull one box and empty it out, then repack it as I go. I’ve dumped a few items that just aren’t worth selling, and found errors in my listings that I’ve been able to correct. At 10 items per weekday, it will take me the rest of the year to work through my entire inventory, but I am happy to do it slowly. I’m able to update item specifics, correct any mistakes I find, and check shipping weights and dimensions. I found one listing that I obviously did Sell Similar on another one of my listings, and I forgot to change the photos! No wonder it didn’t sell. LOL. I’ve found items listed that I don’t have in stock, and items in stock that I don’t have listed. I found a spelling mistake in the title of one listing and a large weight error (10lbs instead of 10 oz) in another. Plus I’m cleaning out my shelves and giving my eBay store a bit of a shake up as I go.
Wishing you all a terrific week!
06/25/2024 at 12:50 pm #103454
Listed 20 items Ebay plus 7 on Mercari. It was stuff I was not at all excited to list from the rummage sale and flea market but I powered through it since I got such great prices and it came in last. I have a ton of stuff to list.
06/27/2024 at 11:23 am #103458
Listed 20 items last week. This week has been all about going through DP boxes and organizing them. I’ve been able to pull and price quite a bit for the show this weekend. That’s my focus so not sure if I will be able to get any listings done.
This particular show is in the downtown area of Portland at a hotel convention center. The hotel screwed up and gave Friday to another event, which is normally the day we’d have to set up. Instead, we have to scramble Saturday morning and set up 5am to 9am. The show organizer emailed us last night and said that some vendors have cancelled because they don’t want to set up early Saturday morning, so the rest of us will be getting extra space and to bring lots! We’re embracing this challenge and bringing two vanloads instead of one!
Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
06/27/2024 at 2:05 pm #103459
I hope you have a great show! I found that my larger items weren’t selling except art. This week I am bringing a bunch of smalls to do $1, $3, and $5 bins. Hopefully will get rid of some of that.
06/27/2024 at 2:14 pm #103460
Thanks! This show has been harder than normal for me to nail down. What sells at one doesn’t sell at the next. I’m bringing a vast variety this time. Also, this show isn’t about beautiful displays….a lot of the vendors just lay stuff randomly out on tables and that’s not my style. However, with a scant 4 hours to load in, unpack and set up…it might have to be less styled.
06/27/2024 at 2:39 pm #103461
I’d be one of those vendors cancelling. I don’t like early mornings! LOL
Good Luck and enjoy!
06/27/2024 at 8:09 pm #103462
What a pain… and what an opportunity! Best of luck for a set up that doesn’t make you cringe and some great sales!
06/28/2024 at 11:50 am #103463
I have only 4 hours to make two car trips (3 last time) and set up. I’ve been running a tad late but I only have a 10×10 spot. It is getting easier as I go along, but I feel like the location is a challenge as well. It’s a lot of casual amblers, not people who came specifically to shop vintage. So I’m continuing to figure out what people are impulsively going to go on. My larger ceramics, etc. that I wanted to shed are not moving. Art is moving people, even if large. Tiny figurines are selling, along with clothing. I feel too like it is very weather sensitive – not too fogged in, not too hot (for us). Hopefully I will have a few good shows before the end of the summer. If tomorrow is bad that will stink. Everyone was so deflated at the last one.
07/01/2024 at 9:50 am #103466
I finally got some of my photos taken. 19 listings. Knock wood should be a good Ebay listing week for me this week. The pop up is closed this weekend. I am also listing on Facebook Marketplace to shed some items. Facebook can be annoying but a lot of times it works out ok and things move out quickly. Summer of sales!
VL I hope your booth set up went well. I was invited to sell at a September market – 100 vendors and we only have 2 hours to set up. Ugh.
07/01/2024 at 1:22 pm #103467
Zero listings for me last week but I am going to make it my goal to get a bunch done this week.
The good news is that we surprised ourselves by getting set up in 3 hours Saturday morning. Perhaps it had something to do with all the caffeine in my system! The bad news is that this show is not very well attended and it was slower than we’d like. That being said, sales were fair to average, with several people buying armloads. I’d spent time last week washing and prepping a bunch of DP vintage linens and they sold really well at the show.
It’s not a show we’ll do again. Not enough payout for all the time and work. Our next show will be the end of August and it’s the killer one with crowds of people who are there to shop.
Christine….two hours to set up? GULP. Hope your sale went well on Saturday.
07/02/2024 at 1:25 pm #103479
@VL it was just ok. It’s a lot of work to set up for $250 net. I have made $500 and a little less than $200 the other two times. I feel like the host is charging too much for the traffic and lack of advertising. But I do enjoy being able to drive up, having a bathroom, music, etc. People did enjoy the bargain bins, especially my vendor neighbors. Due to our vacation, I will probably do it once or twice more during tourist season. We don’t have many other non-maker markets, but it is getting me invited to sell elsewhere. I also have examples in IG and connections if I want to take the plunge into an antique mall later on.
07/01/2024 at 1:46 pm #103468
20 new listings for me. None were DP challenge items unfortunately. We’ve been really busy with social events, hikes and bike rides. Life is a lot busier here when the weather is good.
Wishing everyone a lovely week!
07/01/2024 at 2:04 pm #103470
Seven listings for me. Two were scheduled from the previous week, and five were large items that were part of my listing goal.
I still have two large items I brought up to list (plus many more in my basement), but I’ve been sourcing due to some great deals on MaxSold auctions. I won a large lot of books, and I needed to get them out of the way quickly. I have 50 drafts (about 80% books) that were created while I did the research. Hopefully, most will get listed or scheduled over the next two weeks. I’m hoping I can also list a large item or two while I’m at it.
My career job is slow, and eBay is slow, so hopefully I can use the extra time to my benefit.
07/08/2024 at 10:42 am #103543
20 new listings for me. Summer activities have been ramping up so unfortunately none of those listings were items from my challenge boxes. The box I pulled for July is a box of items I’d labeled as “Needs work to list” – ugh! It’s unlikely that I’ll get any of those items listed any time soon – we have house guests this week…
When I get a chance I’ll look through my July box to see if I can donate or discard anything in there, fingers crossed I can whittle that box down some that way.
Wishing everyone a happy week!
07/08/2024 at 11:10 am #103545
I listed 39 items this week! I was helped by similar items (books), a slow week at my career job, and the long weekend.
I’m now working on flatware and then glass/porcelain. Hopefully, those will go quick as well.
I did list the difficult items I pulled out from my basement. Of course, I still have more stuff down there, so I’ll have to pull more for my July challenge.
Seems like I pulled three items out for June, so I’ll go with three for July. Here is my June list:
Motor from HVAC (sold last week!)
Clip on drafting lamps (3)
Art Projector
07/08/2024 at 12:31 pm #103546
Also, Amatino, are you down for a Thread #2 this year?
07/08/2024 at 12:55 pm #103547
10 listings for me last week. My focus was more on organizing and processing DP boxes. Was able to go through about 2 dozen boxes, and most of it was dealt with by either pricing for shows or donating.
07/09/2024 at 8:24 am #103553
I forgot to post last week. For the week June 24 – 30, I listed 40 items.
For the week of July 1 – 7, I listed 60.
So far July is shaping up to be a month of few distractions (I hope I didn’t just jinx it) so I’m trying to get 300 items listed during the month. I’m well on my way. I flew through a rack of clothing, many of which had been hanging on that rack for months! I’ve never seen the rack so empty. I also donated a number of items I was sick of looking at.
07/09/2024 at 10:29 am #103554
Hey everyone! Wow, you’re all doing excellently. Very well done!
Winner for week ending 06/24 Christine; for week ending 07/01 Treasures. Well done, ladies!
Julie, you’re doing so well with your listings. Congratulations.
Wishing you all a great week.
07/10/2024 at 3:21 pm #103555
Hi! I’m locked out of the forum on my desktop but I had a good listing week. Alas, not death pile items. We only have a week until vacation so I hope to clear more. I’m also organizing and we can get the car back in the garage but there is much to do.
07/15/2024 at 10:14 pm #103571
20 new listings for me. None were from my challenge boxes – but with house guests here all last week I’m happy that I managed to even get 20 items up.
I never got a chance to even look in my “needs work to list” July challenge box. I hope to at least check out what’s in there before we go out of town later this month.
Wishing everyone a stress-free week!
07/15/2024 at 10:19 pm #103572
I continued to chug along with listing as my “career” job continues to be quiet. I listed 51 items!
Looks like this week will continue to be good conditions for listing; although, I am spending more time shipping since I am selling more now. Waah waah waah …
I hope conditions are good for everyone!
07/16/2024 at 12:53 pm #103576
Zero listings for me but for a good reason this time. Took a road trip down to California to visit with a dear friend and go to the Sacramento Antique Faire. Found some great items, including an antique black bassinet that will be a fantastic Halloween display (especially filled with creepy old dolls!) and a very very old black typewriter that will also be part of our Halloween vignette.
Time to get back to listing…hope everyone has a great week!
07/17/2024 at 10:18 am #103579
@Sharyn Sorry – I read your message about a new thread and then forgot as I completed the spreadsheet. I’ve put a note on the spreadsheet to remind me to create a new thread at the end of this month.
@ChristineR Sorry you got locked out of the forum, but yay, I’m not alone! I thought I was the only one who got locked out. LOL. I discovered it’s my VPN. SL doesn’t like it, or the host platform doesn’t, so I tunneled my VPN to exclude SL. Also, you mentioned you had a good listing week, but you didn’t give a number, so I have nothing for you for w/e 07/08.Sharyn took the win for last week, congrats on great numbers.
07/17/2024 at 1:49 pm #103580
Hey y’all. About time I injected a little oomph into our DP reduction.
This challenge is for the last 20 weeks of the year, starting August 19. We’re going to count DOWN to the end of the year. 20, 19, 18, 17… and we’re going to match the numbers with DP items. So the first week is 20 weeks until the end of the year and we’re going to clear 20 DP items. The next week is 19 weeks and 19 items. The third week 18… and so on.
Now, before you have a heart attack, “clear” doesn’t mean “list.” It means you’re going to get those DPs out of the DP stack. You’re going to list them, or donate them, or trash them. Whatever you need to do to get them gone. As many as you can list would be great, because that’s money that could be earned, but any way of reducing your DPs, even if it’s just landfill, is what you’re aiming for here.
Using this method, we start the Challenge with a huge push, then less pressure as the weeks count down to Christmas, when you’re going to be wanting to put more effort into year end sales and (hopefully) packing more orders. It also means that you’re going to wipe out over 200 items from your Piles!
This is a full 4 weeks’ notice so that you can find the DPs you want to clear, or set aside items to throw away when you’re overwhelmed and won’t make the cut 😉 or just to get into the right mindset to wipe out some of that backlog.
Let’s end the year with a massive clean sweep!
07/17/2024 at 2:59 pm #103581
Hurrah Amatino!!! I love this challenge, thanks for coming up with it!
07/17/2024 at 10:58 pm #103582
Ty I’m in after vaca
07/18/2024 at 7:44 pm #103583
54 listings for week of July 8 – 14.
I have several bins of DP items in my basement that I’ll definitely be working on for the challenge when it starts in August.
07/22/2024 at 11:12 am #103592
Zero listings. Too much else going on.
Love the DP challenge and will certainly participate.
07/22/2024 at 11:49 am #103593
I listed 30.
My MO appears to be researching and drafting listings for a few days, photographing for a day, and then listing/scheduling for the following few days. Right now I’m in researching/drafting mode, but I need to complete a few to cover the next few days. Having that constant posting helps keeps the sales coming in.
I’m down for the DP challenge. I’ve been working to list my latest auction finds, but I still have stuff from last year and auctions earlier this year that have become my DPs.
07/22/2024 at 1:45 pm #103594
I listed my usual 20. Again nothing from the DP challenge boxes, but right now I’m concentrating on getting ready for our overseas trip.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
07/29/2024 at 11:17 am #103626
No numbers from Christine for 3 weeks now, but she did mention she was on vacay, so yay for a good break.
Also, Julie, no numbers for week ending July 22.
This gives Sharyn 3 wins in a row! Congrats on great listing numbers!
Our new DP challenge starts in 3 weeks, so if you want to use this time to get ready, get planning, or just gird your loins (as my Bestie told me recently LOL) here’s your reminder.
This week’s numbers to be posted here, for week ending July 29. At the end of the week I will create a new thread.
07/29/2024 at 11:38 am #103627
20 new listings for me. None were from my challenge boxes but I’m pleased that I got 20 listed at all since I finally caught Covid. After avoiding it for 4 years the timing couldn’t have been worse – we had to cancel our trip to Iceland and Norway. Sigh.
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy week!
07/29/2024 at 6:31 pm #103631
Still going strong; I listed 47 items this week.
For the DP challenge, I’m going to work on some boxes that are located at the bottom of my stairs. They are making the area crowded, and I’d like to get them out of the way.
In the meantime, I’m still chugging at my recent auction purchases.
07/29/2024 at 6:32 pm #103632
VT – Ah, man, I read your post after I had already submitted mine. I hope you can reschedule! What a bummer.
08/01/2024 at 11:00 am #103638
VT – That stinks!! 🙁 I hope you feel better soon.
I hadn’t realized I forgot to report in last week.
For 7/15 – 7/21 I listed 49 items
For 7/22 – 7/28 I listed 26 items
08/03/2024 at 11:15 am #103658
Hi I’m back in. Please just put zeros for me on the weeks I missed. This coming week I should be able to get back to listing. Yeah! I’m also going to try to take a bunch of our better brand clothing to the flea market if it’s open this Thursday. I don’t love listing clothes or taking measurements. I’ll sort through it and maybe pull out a bin that’s worth listing.
08/05/2024 at 12:08 am #103664
VT…I am so SORRY that you caught covid and just as sorry that you had to cancel your trip. That’s just awful. I hope that you recover quickly and maybe get a chance to reschedule?
It seems like several of us are having health issues this Summer. I have some of my own, which made for a rough July and start of August. Including two trips to the ER, two surgeries (so far) and four days in the hospital. I am hopeful that I am finally on the mend, but time will tell and I have a couple more weeks of recoup time.
Listings are zero until further notice…but very motivated to get on track once my energy returns.
08/05/2024 at 10:28 am #103671
Oh VL, I’m so sorry to hear you are having health issues and surgeries. It makes Covid and missing a trip seem like nothing in comparison. Sending you healing energy and best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
That being said, this new Flirt version of Covid is nothing to sneeze at, it’s been a long haul. I finally tested negative yesterday, but I’m still not feeling well. I barely managed to get my 20 listings up last week.
Wishing everyone a healthy week ahead!
08/05/2024 at 10:37 am #103672
So sorry to hear of the health struggles in our nice little group here. 😢. I felt extremely lucky not to catch COVID when we just did that trip. Avoided flying through LA but we were in many crowd situations. Of course you still flinch when someone is coughing on the plane.
I have zero last week again. Literally the party is over and should be listing this week. The fairgrounds should be open for the flea and I hope to bring the clothing this Thursday. My husband has an elated because it came out of the bedroom. I may also do the vintage market on Saturday while the tourists are still here. They finished their construction.
Even though our weather doesn’t really change much here I’m looking forward to Fall. I like to cozy up and list with my scented candles. Also I love to shop the Halloween decor when the thrifts put it out 🍁🍂🎃
08/05/2024 at 6:14 pm #103682
I listed zero last week.
I was a bit distracted by the Olympics, and I had just listed all the drafts I had. I spent most of last week creating new drafts, but I didn’t do any photos. I have about thirty items I just have to photo and upload, and they are pretty much ready to go. I will have better numbers next week.
I started out the year with COVID for the first time. I’m hoping that keeps me stronger for a while. I hope everyone is recovered, COVID or otherwise, and the numbers will be better next week!
08/08/2024 at 5:52 pm #103701
47 listings last week. Tons of vet bills the last 2 weeks so I have to list, list, list to get them paid.
Here’s wishing this group a much healthier 2nd half of 2024.
08/12/2024 at 9:10 am #103726
Good morning, all! Happy Monday!
So sorry to read about all the health issues of our little tribe, and pets! I join Julie in wishing everyone good health going forward.
Next week is the start of our new DP Challenge, and I think it would be good that the Challenge kicks off our new thread. So post all your numbers here for this week, and I’ll begin a new thread next Monday.
Our winners for the last two week are Sharyn and VT. Congrats for all your hard work ladies.
08/12/2024 at 9:32 am #103727
Zero for me. My youngest is moving into an apartment (at least for weekdays). Didn’t help my listing last week but should be a boost to my free time to list in the future. My husband is also taking my son back to college Tuesday. Looking to get back on the horse this week. Also flea market Thursday with the clothes since I couldn’t do it last week. Death piles abound.
08/12/2024 at 10:30 am #103731
I listed two. I just had other distractions and things to do. I still have those 30 odd drafts ready for photos.
Talking about setting up kids for school; I did help out my daughter with eBay and other items when she started college. She is now done and (lazily) getting ready to look for a job.
Through the years, I have been saving stuff for her and my son when they go out on their own. I have two sets of dishes plus glasses and other kitchen stuff for them in the attic and basement. In my recent auction purchases, my son grabbed a set of glasses (that I wasn’t going to list anyway) and my daughter decided she wanted a vintage set of Anchor Hocking green glass dishes (that I was going to list).
Anyway, they will be set up well when they do go off on their own. They can always replace stuff as they make their own money. Much of the kitchen stuff is from freecycling and auction buys, although, one set of dishes was given to me by my mom, but we didn’t want anymore. And the other set is my grandpa’s set of china that was passed down to me.
08/12/2024 at 10:36 am #103732
Hi Everyone!
20 listings for me last week, quite a few were from my DPs. Not from the DP boxes I pulled for the monthly DP challenge I started in January – but any DP listing is a good DP listing!!! What helped me accomplish listing DP items was that I couldn’t shop while I was sick. So all bets are off now that I’m feeling better – lol.
I did look through quite a few DP boxes last week. I comped items to list for the brilliant countdown challenge from Amatino which starts next week. I’m excited to get those items listed as some of the DP items I listed last week have already sold.
Wishing everyone smooth sailing this week!
08/13/2024 at 1:33 pm #103737
15 listings for me last week. It feels great to finally post a number! And all DP items too.
I’m feeling much better but it will be some time before my energy fully comes back and I’m a little impatient at times but it’s all good. We have our BIG end of summer show coming up in a week and a half and I’m trying to get ready for that. A friend has offered to help us with it, which is great since it’s a high energy show.
I’m really really behind on things….just trying to take it one day at a time and be grateful that I am healing.
08/14/2024 at 9:43 am #103746
35 listings. Sales have been atrocious lately. Hoping things pick up.
08/19/2024 at 9:28 am #103761
Winner last week was VT. Congrats!
Empty nester now, Christine? That’s going to take some getting used to. Congrats on making it to the next phase in your life.
Lucky kids, Sharyn. Remember the old days when every girl had a Hope Chest?
Do remember that pushing yourself too hard too soon will only set you back, Lacy. Give yourself a chance to recover!
08/19/2024 at 9:28 am #103762
Please go to https://www.scavengerlife.com/forums/topic/listing-challenge-2024-thread-2/ for the new thread.
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