Steve – My husband has that exact same Sony boombox. The antenna on his broke; a common problem as you have mentioned in the past. He asked me to pickup another vintage radio so that he could replace it. I was able to get two Panasonic radios on freecycle, and he found one that didn’t work properly so took the antenna off that one.
Looking over the past month or so of sales, here are a few interesting items:
In listing my neighbor’s stuff, occasionally I find real esoteric items like this law directory from the 1960s. Sold for $18 in a few days.
Look out for the Gillette metal razors from the 1960s. There are older ones worth really good money (called Fatboys), but even this slim one in good condition sold for $33. They have a cult following.
I originally created the listing for this original milk can and put in a price in the $90s. Later, after adding photos, I thought the price was too high so lowered it to $54. Sold within the hour. These are hard to research because there are so many copycats, and I should have realized that I had found something to justify the price. Still, happy with $54.
I recall seeing these accordion style sewing boxes in Steve’s What’s Sold videos in the past. I was surprised though when Terapeak showed that the prices had come down. I insisted on a good price, but I listed it for local pickup stating that I had to find a large enough box. It sat there for several months while I ignored it. A buyer contacted me, and I did find a box that cost a bit over $50 to ship it across the country to Nevada. I packed it really carefully, and the buyer gave me super good feedback as they had been looking for one in this condition for a while. Sold for $95.
I bought a closet full of linens in my first year of reselling, early 2017. I thought this craft fabric was pretty cool and would sell quickly, but it took six years. Sold for $17.
These pottery stoneware plates are really nice, and the artist is known. Someone in California purchased these three pieces for $38 plus another matching platter also $38.
Great tip on the razors, thanks. Those sewing boxes are cumbersome for shipping but you got a good price for it, I rarely see them go cheap at yard sales anymore.
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