Thanks for sharing, Steve, Eve, Wallabee, and everyone! Eve, I swear you could be a stand up comedian, your observations of human behavior and stories are hysterical.
hmm I wrote a long post and it isn’t showing up? When I tried to repost it said that the post was repeating, but it still hasn’t shown up. It included my links to recent sales. oh well.
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by omfug.
Paulo. Good ideas. I know someone that does pretty well getting used modems and routers from Good Will, looks up on the internet how to reset them to factory settings so password and other things are reset, and then sells them on ebay.
Love those little travel bars & flasks. Always pick them up when I find them cause they’re usually so cheap.
Some of my sales for the past week:
c1970s GE portable cassette player:
Ever since my big score on finding a high end Sony Walkman a few months ago, I’ve been picking up any that look interesting. This one I picked up cause it was big & bulky, meaning it was likely early. This model was from the 1970s. I tested & it wasn’t working so sold as is for parts. Bought for $1, sold for $25.
c1960s New Cory Rod:
This was in the bottom of a box lot. I had absolutely no idea what it was, thought it might be some quack medical device. I was able to identify by the patent numbers. Turns out it is a piece of a Cory Coffee Maker, which was the top competitor of Silex for the first personal home coffee brewers. This was the second model and amazingly sold within a day of listing for $20.
California Raisins lot:
If you grew up in the 80s, these were it. Bought the lot at the flea market and thought I scored more that I did. Paid $5 for the lot, thinking I could get $40 for them. Took a calculated chance and put them up for auction. Sold for $12. Whomp whomp.
Vintage Christmas Cheese Spreaders:
These appear to never have been used, or used quite infrequently. They have porcelain handles and steel blades. Found them on the last day of an estate sale and paid $0.50 for them like 2 years ago. Finally sold in my clearance section for $9.
Thanks Brian – that was a stroke of luck. We’ve had it listed for just over a year. I got an offer for $180 the day I listed it so on this occasion waiting did pay off. 😀
Hi Linda – I didn’t know at all. It was just a cheap box lot at our first auction that no one else wanted. I thought it was ugly, but I did the research. It was hard finding that term “reticulated” but once I did then it all fell into place. No, there was no mark on the bottom.
Can someone remind me how to subscribe to all the comments please? Also I can’t put my photo in place of the green pixel icon. My husband said there are broken hyperlinks when he tries to do it. Is anyone else having that problem? Mike explained it so nicely how to do it, but it just doesn’t work.
You can subscribe in two ways. One, when you comment on a topic like you did, you can click the box “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” right underneath the “Tags:” box. Two, at the top of the topic, there is a subscribe button. As long as you are logged in, you can press that link and you will be subscribed.
Thank you, Sharyn. I am subscribed to some of the comments, but I thought someone said there was a way to subscribe to ALL of the comments, across all of the topics/forums. I’m not even certain how to search for how to do that; it doesn’t seem to work by subscribing to a particular topic.
I just tried to embed a video in a listing. I used “” converter that someone listed on SL a few weeks back. For some reason, eBay wouldn’t allow it. I got the following message:
It looks like there’s a problem with this listing.
We’ve noticed that your listing included a non-clickable link. eBay no longer permits non-clickable or static links in listings (in item descriptions, payment instructions, return instructions, etc.). Please go back and either remove the non-clickable link, or update it to make sure it complies with the links policy.
To learn what else is no longer permitted in our updated Links policy, including email addresses, links to email clients and shortened URLS (e.g. bitly or TinyURL), please see:
Silly me, I forgot to switch over to the HTML editor before inserting my code. Flippertools worked, but I’m sure that the other one would have worked too.
Wow, ChristineR, that dachsund platter was awesome. But didn’t you lose money on the shipping–that had to be a large heavy box. I hope you didn’t have to ship it far. I find my platters don’t sell well because the shipping is so expensive.
Thanks Linda. Buyer paid shipping. I never do free shipping. Since I’ve added FedEx Smartpost things like this are selling better. I’m way off on the Coast, so shipping cost is an issue.
Shayrn and anyone else who might be interested, I have used the following link to add a video to a listing. It was easy to use and worked like a champ. Also it’s mobile friendly.
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